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I love this podcast. The episodes are short but powerful and always actionable. Life changing. Thanks so much, dr Erin!

Love Dr Erin's teachings
These podcast are a great way to continue to learn from Dr Erin. After reading her book (in which changed my life) had such a hunger to hear her teaching. These podcast and any of her words help me grow in no way I have ever felt. Can never thank Dr Erin enough for how she has helped me grow.

Epic content
WOW! This is exactly what I need — a combination of New Thought principles and and soulful business building. So much YES! Thank you!

I'm addicted to this podcast!
I listen to a lot of podcasts but can't seem to get enough of this one. I am so grateful for each and every nugget of wisdom Dr. Erin shares. She is relatable and inspiring at the same time. I usually binge-listen on my morning walks and I swear my days are different (more positive, more energized, more joyful) because of it. If you want to learn the principles of Universal Law there's simply no better way to do it. Thank you Dr. Erin!

Soundtrack for Daily Living
I am a huge believer that universal principles are the foundation in which I may build my life. As a mom, wife, and entrepreneur, my life is pulled in so many directions and from time to time, I find myself a bit flustered. The principles that Dr. Erin teaches reminds my to get back to my center because my center is where I’ll be able to embrace the tools (mostly my own divinity) to ground myself and get back on track. Thank you Dr. Erin!

Divine Goddess
Dr. Erin is the definition of Divine Goddess. Everything she says resonates so deeply with the who “I am” and the truth of who we really are. Blessings to you Dr Erin for being the light and the way for all of us!

Love all you do & share! You keep things real & relatable! Also a biggie that you actually follow back and reciprocate!❤️🙏❤️ And always answer your dm’s very real & sweet!

An empowering soul
Dr. Erin is a powerhouse when it comes to teaching and living Universal Law. She has been a driving force of my journey into addressing and overcoming trauma -- her methods and knowledge are empowering and life-changing. If your frustrations, doubts and fears have become bigger than you, Dr. Erin is your champion.

Change the world
This podcast moved me AND my 23 year old daughter. Love the energy and the message. I am inspired and motivated by you Dr. Erin - thank you for everything you are doing out here to create change and aliveness!

Spoke to my soul
I stumbled upon Dr. Erin on Instagram, and immediately fell in love with the knowledge and love that she shared with the world, so I KNEW I’d love her podcast just as much!! Every single episode is jam packed full of wisdom and good vibes, and I am hooked. ❤️

Love your energy and your message
I came across you through the Leo King and instantly connected with your light. Thank you for sharing your gift and story

Dr. Erin is a leader of leaders. She is so grounded in her word and thought and I have watched her help numerous individuals from such a genuine and heartfelt place. I love listening to her podcasts for a renewed mind and spirit and stronger mindset to take on all that life brings my way!

Dr. Erin is Amazing...And So It Is
Dr. Erin’s podcast and content is game changing for life. I have been following Dr. Erin for 90 days, listen to her podcasts, have her book, and I am in the Leadership Class. Dr. Erin’s teachings on Universal Law and Science of Mind is applicable in all areas of Life. She is the best!

Great podcast
Dr. Erin speaks to people with the best advice. It helps those who are struggling with everyday life and facilitates passion. For entrepreneurs, I recommend listening to her show. You just have to learn the meaning of patience.

Dr.Erin inspires me and pulls out the spiritual gangster in me! I learn so much and have so many light bulb moments! I love her giving spirit and deep knowledge of things that truly matter and enhance my life!!

Love this podcast and Dr. Erin!
Dr. Erin is the real deal. Every episode is going to inspire and motivate you regardless of the topic - and it will make you think about life in new, healthy ways. This podcast is a great way to start your day - she is pure love and positivity and always provides life-enhancing ideas and concepts! Love her!

Please listen to #81 podcast.
Absolutely incredible!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯

Empowering Podcast
Dr. Erin is so inspiring! Clear step by step on finding your truth, power, passion, and purpose. Thank you for helping me reprogram my mind and find my core values!

@guidance2freedom thank you Dr. ERIN!
I am thankful for being able to connect with her in media! I discovered her five months ago, and was a life changing absorbing all the understandings and the incredible lessons she brings to the world and to our growth as human beings. I’m a Freedom Coach, what this means is that I help my clients to free themselves from their own thought patterns, limiting beliefs with NLP technology and many other techniques. I have many powerful spiritual gifts that I discovered recently, but I didn’t understand exactly how things work and now I do, because of my understanding of things in a soul level. Thank you @drerin for the love and valuable information and wisdom in a deep level you provide to our growth! It’s life changing! Love, Rubeth Rizo Patron @guidance2freedom @rubeth.light.working

Finding purpose 🤩
Episode #54 is everything for those finding their calling in life. Short but packed with nuggets of gold. Love the formula. Indeed. It is written. Once you find your calling, confirmation is riddled loudly along the journey. Thank you Dr. Erin 🤗

I want to Live my Truth!
Live your Truth 8 of 12 This couldn’t have come a a better time! Just when I wanted to complain about something that happened this weekend, I learned something new! Accept people, places and things as they are! I am happy and need to stay that way!!

A powerful Goddess!
Dr Erin is the real deal. An incredible powerful light in this world. And now I'm so grateful I can take her with me anywhere with this podcast!

Podcast self empowerment
I listen to Dr Erin’s podcast today. I wanna say first I listen to a lot of Podcasts. Her podcast was easy to listen to, and informative. I was truly inspired, but more then anything, I couldn’t wait to listen to the next one. Thank you!

My therapy!!
So much valuable and important information in every episode of this podcast!! I am hooked and so grateful. Keep a journal nearby.. ✨✨

Find Your Truth
So often I come across leaders of spirituality and often become disappointed. Dr. Erin is not a disappointment. The messages and insights in to living your truth are grounded and relevant to these times. A wonderfully beautiful and educated woman sharing her spiritual journey and helping others live their truth. I’m blessed to have come across this woman’s work and hope to spread the wonders. Thank you Dr. Erin.

Bridging humanity with their Divine Essence
I can’t wait to dive into listening to Dr. Erin on the daily and I know my tribe is in agreement. I find Dr. Erin a mixture of many of the spiritual and Energetics pathways to which I have affinity. She shares partly in ways to unravel what we’ve not questioned about ourselves and then weaves in major avenues for discovery of finding ourselves, our truth with authenticity and self love boundaries. As well, Dr. Erin languages that most can connect with her and her brand of being. She is a gift to this energy of internet for inspiration on the go! She gives a taste that makes you want more. Can’t wait to get her book, Awakening! Carol Lovell Calvert 10/30/19

Amazing Podcast!
I learn so much every time I listen to this podcast! Dr. Erin really brings new ways of thinking and ways to implement positive growth.

Dr Erin Podcast
I have learned so much from Dr Erin! Such a beautiful and valuable show. I highly recommend it.

This is an amazing podcast! I would highly suggest listening to this on a regular basis! Thanks Dr Erin!

Dr Erin is amazing!!
I have learned so much from this podcast! I highly recommend it!