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March 1, 2020



Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show. This is a Top Spiritual Awakening & New Thought Ancient Wisdom Podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams!

Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and I’m committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you reprogram your subconscious, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

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Dr. Erin Show

What occurs on a microcosm level is what happens on the macrocosm level. Spiritual Truth and Universal Laws are absolute Truth; however, they can be individually used for a relative perspective and experience. People are endowed with the individual use of the One Mind in the exact portion and distortion they choose at a soul level. Furthermore, your individual reality is in direct relation to the whole.

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.  

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. 

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” 

Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.

Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions,  and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.



Welcome to society, the shift to the tribe, your movement. So you did


Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in our community society. We are committed to being the number one, spiritual coaching community, all about enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. So today we are on universal law of relativity. We are on six of 52 series, and we are talking about universal law. This is imperative. You guys, universal law is like epic. When I found it, it was years after I'd been on my spiritual track. I had, um, as you guys know, I had a stillborn at 22 and I began this, the journey I began to read, you know, different books, take different seminars. I, um, studied everything from shamanism to Greek, Oracle processes, metaphysics, um, you name it? I pretty much tried. I, I did everything. I mean, I tried every single type of modality.


Okay. Um, I never did the drugs of shamanism or anything like that. I'm kind of a purist at heart when it comes to spirituality and my awakening. But after, you know, 22 years, it's been longer than that, that now, but really what happened was I began to kind of take inventory of what worked and what didn't work. What did I like? What did I wanna throw away out of the different modalities that I had kind of, um, tried on like clothes that you try on, you know, and you go, this one works, this one doesn't and a little bit of each one kind of morphed into, um, a lot of the work that I teach in society, which is really the truth triangle. It is, um, E four trauma method, something that I came up, a framework around subconscious, um, trauma work, but one of the primary other work, two of the things that really worked for me is understanding universal law, understanding how the dynamics of energy works and how our subconscious is connected in one with universal law.


And also breathwork breathwork was a really big thing for me as well. I'm I got certified as a K lead instructor as well. I mean, one of the zillion things I did, right, but so universal law, I thought everybody needs to understand universal law. It's the basics of the axioms of how the universe works, how we manifest we're manifesting 24 7 all the time. So why the hell are we not taught this? Why are we taught, you know, geography before we're taught how we work, our minds work. It seems crazy to me. Um, but so today we're talking about the relativity. You can go back and binge on the other ones, or if the other ones are recorded already, you can go ahead. Um, this podcast, people binge a lot, um, because we do generally, um, 11 to 22 minute episodes. And, um, I do longer interviews now, um, that are sporadically spread throughout the podcast.


You can take a look at each podcast and you'll know which series it is. Okay. So today the law of relativity. So let's take a deep breath into the nose, holding and suspending the breath, pulling up all the energy, all that pron everything into the third eye, getting into that divine presence, that piece, that knowingness exhaling out. I recognize right here. And right now the relative factor of life, this dynamic thing that can either create heaven or hell that can create harmony or chaos that can create prosperity or scarcity. I recognize the relative nature of this universe and how we're really here to experience our choice, our freedom, our free will. And in that I know that you have a specific truth that works for you. You have bliss that may not be someone else's bliss. And in that I recognize that you are the relative fractal of the one expressed as the one.


And in this, I recognize that you get to birth your truth. You get to understand who you really are and know what you truly desire in this lifetime, your unique expression, your unique, you, the highest version of you. And so on that note, I know power. I know choice. I know joy, and I know loving all of life, which is to love ever drop of it. The good, the bad and the ugly. I simply know this with peace and power and presence, as we say. And so it is okay. The law of relativity states, what occurs on a microcosm level is what happens on the macrocosm level, spiritual truth and universal laws are absolute truths. Okay? These are truths. Like you are immortal. You do not die. Energy cannot be destroyed, right? That is an ultimate truth, an absolute truth. And there's also a relative truth.


A relative truth is what works for you. Sleeping wise, food wise is gonna be unique for you. So however, there can be individual use for the relative perspective and experience. You get to use the one mind and the universal law to experience how you want to experience it. However, the dynamics of the universal law stay the same for everything. And everyone, people are endowed with the individual use of the one mind and the exact proportion or distortion they choose at a soul level. Furthermore, your individual reality is in direct relationship to the whole. So anywhere in life, right now, where you're feeling, is there a situation where you feel like you're suffering or you're kind of like at dis disease or you feel like you're trying to, you know, you just don't feel like you're in living your, the life you're designed to live, right?


We need to first recognize that this is a blessing to disguise. This is the universal law. This is your subconscious mind. This is spirit, your true self telling you you're out of alignment. The law is here to give us feedback. It's like on a car, right? Where you, all of a sudden, it says, you know, oil light comes on and you gotta check out what's going on. It's like, it tells you before the actual car breaks down. Okay. So anytime that you're feeling suffering, anytime you're feeling like you're in angst, anytime you're feeling like just it doesn't, isn't flowing. That is that sign. It's blinking at you saying, wake up. Here's the sign. Here's the feeling. Here's the negative emotion. Whatever's that right? You haven't broken down yet. But if you don't listen to those signs, if you don't tap in and tune in and go, Hmm, what's really going on for me, then it's gonna break down.


Okay. And your breakdowns are also for breakthrough. So it's all working for you regardless. So this is anytime you're having any angst, any feeling of discord, it's your soul's way of communicating to you that you're not in alignment. You're not living in alignment with your truth. It's a relative experience for you to know what is your authentic life? It's a test. It is the greatest design of this personal factor of life that is up to you, right? One situation might work for one person and another person may not. I remember years back, I was in a relationship with a drug addict, you know, and I thought I was making him wrong, making him wrong, making him wrong. And then I realized, I was like, no, this might work for somebody else. It doesn't work for me. I don't have to make him wrong, but I get to just follow my bliss and know what works for me, which is having, you know, consistency and having healthy, you know, a healthy mindset and, and relationship wise.


So it's time for you to follow your heart and arrange your life in such a way that informs universal law and emotion, how you want to experience it. Okay. So if you're having discord, if you're feeling suffering, if you're feeling Ang anxious, if you're feeling any out of alignment out of flow, it's time, it's time for you to wake up, get clear of what you truly want and direct your energy towards the people and things that really matter to you embodying the principles that you want to embody to magnetize in a law of attraction of what you really truly want to come into your life, right? The universe desires or not the universe, you really desire to wake up and claim your truth, right? This is you need sadness. Is you saying something's not right here. You, the emancipation from suffering is your birthright. It's your birthright to have a man patient from suffering.


So the law of relativity is to really actually, it's just how we, we can create in good or bad or heaven or hell. Right? But it's really here to have you recognize what works for you and doesn't work for you. You don't know what you like until you know what you don't like, right. And vice versa. So today, as you go into your day, as we go into the four kind of steps, always of awakening, which is waking up reprogramming, um, aligning and affirming, then you really want to take this on in the relative factor. You know, where in your life are you having a relative experience like, wow, I really am. This is cool. This is fascinating. I'm experiencing, you know, being in a relationship. I don't like I'm experiencing scarcity with my money. I'm experiencing, you know, feeling like crap by eating crappy food, right?


Whatever that may be, you're here. And you, and it's really like going, oh duh. You know, this is a relative experience for me to understand what I like and what I don't like, you know, go out all relationships are the opportunity to discover what you like and what you don't like and express yourself and never make anyone wrong. Right. Second step is to reprogram. So if you're having a relative experience and you can't figure out why can't I change this dysfunction, I keep doing things over and over again and having insanity in my life. Well, clearly that means that you've got some stuff going on the subconscious level. So you've gotta do your inner work. And the next is really aligning, aligning once you've birth your truth through reprogramming and, and birthing your truth of what really matters to you in your core values and, and birthing your purpose.


And you get to align with that. You know, how do you align with that every day and every way, do you have a community that supports you? Do you have practices and principles that you live by and so on and so forth? And I may say some of the same stuff again, because guess what? That's why we call it a daily spiritual practice. You guys it's because it is simple. We can have core principles that we live by, but we have to re reminded every single day. I know I do. The only true disease is amnesia. So when we're going through these four principles and steps, again of awakening, every time it's for your highest goods, so that it, you really break it down to the basics. We overcomplicate things so much. And then we go, I don't know how to do all this, bring it back to the basics, let it get a little monotonous sometimes, and then gently grow from there.


So again, your relative experience, wake up reprogram, align to your truth, align to what really you like align to that and then affirm every single day. Why, why do you, why is that important to you have your life purpose statement, read it in the morning, meditate on it. Look at it. Before you get in the car, look at it. Before you go into big meetings, remember what your intention is, what is it you truly want to embody in this lifetime? And so in that note, I know perfection of the relative, whatever you're going through, whatever you're going through, I know it's perfect. There's nothing, there's nothing on this planet that is bad in that. It is a relative experience for us to understand what we'd wanna create. And it's up to us to put rules and laws and all the things in that we agree to as a collective and personally understand where we need to put boundaries and get in alignment so that we know that this relative experience, we get to choose what we want.


And guess what? I don't want hell anymore. I've tried, I've tried suffering. I know it well, it, it's not, as, it's not fun. It's boring to me now. Now it's more fun to have a life that I love and create an incredible game of making a difference in the world and bringing truth. And it's amazing. Doesn't mean I, you know, moments of like, uh, it's cuz I'm not leaving my truth. And it's like, oh, I'm not leaving my truth. I haven't been, you know, having enough fun with my friends. That's part of my truth as well. So done, done and done. And so on that note, I just say, take another deep breath through the nose, recognizing the law of relativity. I recognize right here, right now, the choice to experience and create heaven or hell on earth. You have that choice. I recognize right here, right now that anything you're going through, any suffering, any strife, any dysfunction, any scarcity, anything is for the highest good for you to wake the F up for you to claim who you are, a spiritual badass for you to recognize you, what you are demanding of yourself and saying, hell yes, to and hell no.


To the things you don't like. And in this divine moment, I recognize aligning with that truth, living the truth, breathing the truth, writing the truth, all the above. And I recognize also affirming it every day and every way through our daily S practice through our divine extraordinary community. I simply know this in mind, in my heart. I live this, I speak this. I see it. I feel it as together we say. And so it is so have a wonderful day. You guys, and may you live your truth. And also if you enjoy these podcasts, please send it to a friend. Hello, please give a review, give it up. You guys. I love you. Have a wonderful day.


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