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Aug. 2, 2020



Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show. This is a Top Spiritual Awakening & New Thought Ancient Wisdom Podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams!

Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and I’m committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you reprogram your subconscious, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

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Dr. Erin Show

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.  

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. 

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” 

Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.

Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions,  and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.



This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth?


Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principles, align with universal law and break through all limiting beliefs. So we can claim our birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So this show is all about spiritual principles, universal law, metaphysics, unity, science, and mind, and step by step, how to make your dreams reality. We also come together as community in society and new thought global. Our vision is to be the number one spiritual community. We're committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So today is a series of universal law. It's uh, we're on number 19 of 52. We're gonna break on down the law of non-attachment. So last night I laid in my bed, watching the documentary, becoming nothing about rom dos and I had tears of joy, literally streaming down my face.


As I listened to the voice of this beautiful man, that's had such a profound impact on my life. And in my awakening, rom dos was born in Boston in 1931 and passed away 2019, December 22nd. Of course, cuz 22 is my lucky number. His name was rom dos, but that was his spirituals name. His, his name was Richard Alper. He was called Dick, right? So in the beginning of the documentary becoming nothing, he, he has this profound kind of beautiful display of pictures of his life. And he said, he's had 25 years of huffing and puffing trying to get lined. Obviously this wasn't when he passed away, this was 25 years into his journey. He says I've had 25 years huffing and puffing trying to get enlightened. He said, he's tried everything. He tried, you know, psychedelics. He tried, uh, pilgrims. He tried meditation for, you know, years on end.


He tried every possible modality, everything. He went to India, he, you know, hung out in the sixties that he did everything he possibly could do. And he said a couple things really stood out for him. One was which when he went to kind of a reunion with his Harvard colleagues, one of his dear friends said, Dick, you haven't changed one bit. And he giggled in the whole audience giggled as he was giving a talk. And the point is, is this is that Ron dos was one of the greatest teachers because he understood enlightenment. He understood how to make fun of himself and yet have profound, profound. There's the universe saying? Yes, yes, yes. The alarm went off. Yes, yes, yes. There's a sign. Right? So the point is, is that we gotta take ourselves a little less, you know, serious, right. He had this great.


He took it so serious. And yet he was able to come from this humor, this profound humor. And I used to lay in bed years back like 15 plus years ago after I'd been meditating for many, many hours. Cause I was, you know, seeking, seeking, seeking enlightenment and had had true enlightenment moments. And I would listen to his talks. I think they were still up on YouTube. And since then they've pulled them down because I think they now charged with them because they're so profound. And I would listen to them for hours, the same talks over and over again because it was like music, truth, truth, truth, and my whole soul would sing. And the thing that he really taught me was non-attachment, that's what he taught me. So today, as we go into the series of 19 of 52, the universal law of non-attachment no better way to speak about it than through the stories of Rome dos.


So the law of non-attachment states, this universal law is set into motion. The moment you attach a positive or negative meaning to something that occurs or doesn't occur, which is the belief that the physical realm is more powerful than the creative power, powerful inner world to have anything in life, you must free yourself mentally from attachment to it. Nothing in the physical realm is permanent and it is only the mentally equivalent of what's going on within consciousness becoming neutral. Andous is the key to directing this law. Okay. So, oh, I know what I'd done. I'd put on a timer that <laugh>, that's hilarious. So usually when I'm doing podcasts, I like to know how many minutes I'm at, because generally when I'm giving a talk, I wanna go somewhere between 1122 minutes, because that's my kind of spiritual intuition for the whole thing. And instead I put on my, my three minute, um, timer, because I've been doing breath of fire.


I do it for three to 11 minutes as well. So you guys know that's what's really going on. So, so hilarious. Right? Okay. So rondos, would've had some hilarious joke right in the middle of that. Right? Okay. So back to the documentary. So I'm laying in bed last night and I am having tears of joy in every clip. I'm like doing a screen share for Instagram because I am just, Ugh, just my heart sings. Whenever I think about Ramdas. So Ramdas story goes like this. He came from a, I think a fairly prominent family back east in Boston, they were at least they were what he calls. They were a culture of putting on suits, meaning that our entire lives, you felt like you were trying to become something. You were becoming someone you were working towards a title you were working towards having a house you were working for having a family.


You were working for the, the social status of moving up and trying to look like somebody. And you remembered feeling like that. He just never felt comfortable in a suit. He never felt comfortable in, in somebody that he was becoming. And so he, one day I believe he went to a psychologist and to try and figure out why he just was not feeling well, why he just didn't feel, you know, happy. And then the psychologist kind of stirred at something up in him to have him become somebody like him. So hence he became, uh, a prominent Harvard psychologist. And, um, he, he began to obviously, you know, write things and become somebody in the world of Harvard, which was a good somebody in the culture's eyes. He was somebody, right? So then he realized that he began to become less and less happy in that, that suit, that somebody, that Harvard psychologist, uh, professor, and he just realized he just was not, he was just miserable inside at some level.


So then he went down this other path and he actually became a psychedelic pioneer with Timothy Dr. Timothy leery. And he said he literally took probably hundreds of hundreds. If not thousands of had different trips on acid, I would imagine on mushrooms also, I don't know. And he began to have these enlightenment moments and he said it really freedom at some level because he was able to see past his social programming. He began to break down and have, have his own values in this world instead of what his family and the culture and, and all the social dynamics had told him. And he began to really love this whole process. But what he realized, I think he said something after like 350 trips, he couldn't sustain his enlightenment. He would have these high high moments, but then kind of slam back down into his reality after.


So it wasn't until he went over to a fateful trip to India in 1967 and he traveled to India and he met his guru who was known as, um, Mar Mar Raja Maharaji and RO dos. He gave him the name RO dos. So he was Baba. He was a famous guru over in India. Some people would call him Baba or other people would call him Maharaji and he gave, uh, Richard APER the name RO dos, which means servant of God. So everything changed for Dick at this point in time, everything changed for rom dos and he has so many profound, incredible talks, um, in front of people about his journey of awakening. And so he wrote this really famous book called be here. Now it's this great book I highly to recommend getting it. It's this great book. It's, it's this sick kind of picture book.


And it has these incredible kind of poetry and, and sayings and, and different, um, uh, mantras and different things all about be here. Now. It was way before, um, the power of now with Eckert Toley, you know, Eckard, Toley, I love you. And you're profound teacher as well, but it was a little bit of rip off. <laugh> just saying no. Um, I get to a joke with all the gurus out there. Okay. So the point of today is universal law of non-attachment. And as, as rom dos teaches so profoundly non-attachment and he kind of goes into the concept of when he would still have attachment around things. He would always end up in kind of the polarity of life. He recognized that everything comes from the mind and he doesn't teach us. This was actually another profound teacher. I was an actual mentor in my life for three years before he passed away a very, uh, dear, dear, dear mentor of mine, John Rello, he was a nobody in far as far as the public figure, as far as somebody out in the world, but he is everything in my eyes.


And he taught me, uh, metaphysics and quantum, um, mechanics so profoundly. And he said, the moment that you put a positive or negative meaning on anything if attachment to it, right, you instantaneously have a positive or negative experience because you set the entire universal law and polarity into motion by, you know, the power of your mind. And I think one of the greatest things in this documentary that, that rondos teaches over and over and that I experienced, uh, is about death. It's about dying. And rondos says that our entire lives we're preparing ourselves for the moment of death. That in that moment, the goal is to not have attachment, to trying to get to the other side or trying to stay here. That, to truly experience that moment, you've got to be so present. You've got to be here now, and you've got to have non-attachment non-attachment to this lifetime and non-attachment to wherever you're gonna go.


And as I know that he recognized that that's never the goal to be anywhere, but be here right now. It was getting prepared for that moment of transition. But in the moment, be here right now, if we wanna be fully in our power fully in our presence and releasing all the suffering we would have. Non-attachment another profound thing that is, um, something that I, I think is the most, one of the most advanced and most liberating epiphanies you can have in your awakening is understanding that suffering is grace. Meaning rondos says, you know, that he realized that at some point in time, that if we have attachment to getting something, we have attachment to manifesting our dreams. We have attachment to getting that relationship or getting that thing or getting that, whatever it is that we'll have suffering, if we don't get it right. But it wasn't until he realized that in the suffering was a blessing and a gift, maybe even more than getting the thing.


And so once he realized that he had non-attachment around whether he got something or didn't get something, or his dreams came reality or not, or whatever it is, right? So non-attachment imagine a life. What would a life be like if you had no attachment to things? What if you, you know, didn't have attachment to whether you had good emotions or bad emotions. Sometimes we just have crappy days and have moods, biologically, you know, they come along. What if we no longer had attachment of trying to feel good? He talked about pain. You know, Ramdas had a stroke later in his life and he lived in a wheelchair and he had, you know, I think no mobility of part of his body. And he still had this big smile on his face. Every time he was interviewed. And I don't think it was a fake smile.


He had this fricking glow to him. His teeth were showing and he, his eyes were so clear and he was such a great teacher for me, cuz I thought, how could somebody like RO dos not be able to master his mind and master his body to not have a stroke. He was one of my greatest teachers in the realm of non-attachment of health, recognizing that you're not your body and that you can't have attachment of whether your body is in perfect, you know, quote, quote of what the world says good health is or not. There is only perfect health. And when we don't attach to the body, we recognize we are untouchable and we can still have joy. We can still have an incredible life, whether we're in a wheelchair or not or whatever. And so today, as you go into your day, I invite you.


I invite you to live in non-attachment to breathe right here and do not have attachment of how your day, you know, goes, yes, you can create, because we understand like the law of transfusion of holding the mental pictures in our mind, but at the same time to have non-attachment because remember that what you, you know, resist persists. So if you have attachment to something happening, which means you're resisting, what is not, what would not happen if you didn't get that, then that is, that is gonna actually hurt you. It's gonna re it's gonna harm you. It's gonna get in the way of you actually manifesting. So the art of manifesting is putting that mental picture in your mind and taking inspired action towards that embodiment of the mental equivalent of that mental picture, but also not having attachment to it. That is the mastery. The mastery is to get the highest vibration, feel it as if it's already happened, but not have attachment to it.


Okay. So, oh my gosh. I love you. Roam dos. I love you so much. You have no idea. There was a, there was a talk he gave and it was on relationships and it was one of the most profound talks I ever heard. And I would listen to it over and over again. This was 15 years ago cause I still had not mastered my codependency. And I was, you know, in and out of the ups and downs of relationship and he had this talk of understanding how it's all one thing, how we there's only one mind and there's only one life. And so anytime you're in a struggle in relationship and having attachment to it, of having expectations of how it should go, it is always gonna slam you down. And so the goal is not renunciation. In fact, he went, Ron dos went so into renunciation and when he went to India and he renounced all identity and this thing, and he said that one of the most profound things, he said one of his gurus, which he said was like an alien.


He spoke to him all the time. He said, rom DAS, you're in this classroom, the school of life. Why aren't you taking the curriculum? You've taken this birth. And yet you are walking all in your holiness. You're already holy, why don't you try being a human for once? And this is when he decided to come back to America and he was going to fully embrace being human and practice non-attachment. And in this he said, what is his kind of mantra? If you will, is witnessing his life. He can, you know, be in this lifetime and fully being this humanness, but also just witness it, witness it with humor and love. The goal is equanimity, but also compassion to be with the, with suffering, to be with the pain. Everything in this curriculum of life is growth. The goal is to balance between the head and the heart and listen to our intuition and to witness with humor and love.


So enlightenment is, can be the ego's ultimate disappointment. People often think that they're gonna get to this enlightenment state and it's gonna be just bliss and just, you know, just enlightenment and just good and all that. And it, you know, you arrive and you have these incredible moments at a body. And then you realize you are still human. You're living in this beautiful body, in this beautiful polarity. And there's always gonna be heaven and hell on this planet. Your spiritual path may be totally different than you ever thought it was. So today again, as you go through this day, as you go through this, this next phase, I invite you to just enjoy, enjoy your human beingness, enjoy the polarity, enjoy your being able to, you know, put a positive or negative meaning on something and also to enjoy having attachment and being able to just experience what it feels like to attach things and to slam into polarity and slam into being human it's okay. It's okay. It's such a beautiful thing to love life is to love all of life. May you know, you are not any of it. May you live in the love of non-attachment, but may you also experience attaching to all of it, have a beautiful day and may you live your truth?


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