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Jan. 12, 2020



Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.
Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”
Join Soulciété Spiritual Entrepreneurs or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Master Coach & E4 Trauma Method® Coach.
Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions, and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

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Dr. Erin Show












Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.  

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. 

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” 

Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.

Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions,  and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.





To society, the shift to the movement. So you do truth


Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in a community in society. We are the number one, spiritual coaching community, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We are awakening people to their divinity, to their life purpose, and to helping them manifest their dreams. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people globally. So today we are gonna talk about 10 timing, your social media, 10 Xing your social media. I'm gonna give you 10 steps to your social media mastery. Okay. One of my missions is to empower spiritual coaches out there in the world. I realize years ago when I handed my life over to my mission of helping bring truth to the world and ending suffering for people that Tru truly wanted and were committed to that.


And so it has become my mission to help people get the coaching that they need spiritually and do their inner work and to develop world class spiritual coaches. So today I am going to teach you 10 steps to really mastering social media and 10 timing, your social media. Okay. So get a pen and paper out and we're going to begin this. Okay. The reality is this is that social media matters today. It's kind of like in the olden days, say in the 1950s, when there was a state street or a mid, uh, a main street in each city, and it was the best real estate that you could get your hands on. If you wanted to bring something to market, you had to be on that state street or main street, right? So social media is that main street or that state street of our lives.


That's where the eyeballs are. That's where the traffic is. That's where people are. Okay. It doesn't mean that you can't go network and go do other things out there in the world. But majority of people, if you want to hit the masses and hit people's consciousness, social media is extraordinary important. And as a world class, you know, spiritual coach, if you're being developed as that in society, you want to understand these distinctions. We do have spiritual coaches that don't like the on lawn world and don't wanna do social media and that's fine. Um, but a majority of people really care about social media. So that's who we're talking today. Okay. So if you're online and you're on social media and you are bringing your message to the world, which we help people birth their purpose and calling and birth their mission to mesh message and develop their products within society.


But if you're on social media, it's important to really understand what it's all about. Social media is all about engagement. Okay. There's a thing called seven rule, which means that somebody has to engage with you or see you at least seven times before they actually would potentially purchase something from you. Okay? So it's called a seven time rule. And so we have to remember that social media is called social. It means that it's supposed to be engaging. It's not just about you. It's about, you know, having a relationship that's going back and forth and bringing stuff to their life. What's in it for your audience. Not, it's not about you showing off of who you are. It's about giving value, bringing inspiration, engaging with them, you know, all on that. So I'm gonna give you seven, I'm sorry, 10 distinctions that if you post these consistently, you will kind of hit all the psychological marks of what it means for somebody to really want to engage with you.


Trust you, learn from you, believe you, you know, respect you and so on and so forth. Okay. So I'm gonna go through these, um, first all the way through, and then we're gonna back it up and go over these things. Okay. Number one thing to do on your social media. Number one, hello. As spiritual coaches is inspire, like it is the most important thing. You can have the greatest message, the greatest brand bring great lessons, have Lifestone all the stuff, but it's a subconscious thing. People see you and they're inspired or they're not okay. There's certain people that have the it factor. And in spiritual coaching, we recognize that that is our connection to source. Okay. So again, the most important thing as a spiritual coach on your social media is to be inspirational. And how do you become inspirational? You do your inner work and you tap into source the truth of who you are.


And that's where true all inspiration comes from. Okay. Number two is client proof, client proof, um, is something that's important. It's important masses by what they think the masses are buying. That's part of it, right? They wanna know, did somebody else purchase from you? Did somebody else believe in you enough to become your client? Did somebody else, you know, come to your event so on and so forth? Right? So client proof is number two, super important. Um, in society we basically have, um, as we're, as the girls are getting certified as spiritual coaches, one of the things they do is they do, um, processes, spiritual processes and trauma work, subconscious reprogram, all kinds of things on each other. And in exchange, they give testimonials for each other. Okay. So one of the things as you get certified, one of the requirements is that you have X amount of, of, um, of, uh, testimonials.


So it's important. It's important to have these and you really should be getting testimonials if you're working with clients. Okay. Third thing that you need to show on social media is brand proof. Okay. People wanna know that you are, you have a brand, you know, what is your brand? Because people identify a good brand, has an identity, the greatest brand, such as like, like apple or a soccer team or Harley Davidson or whatever. It may be. It is an identity for people. Okay. The greatest brands have identity. So who are you speaking to? And what is that identity that you're speaking to? Okay. Number four is engagement. These are things like doing live streams, Q and a, um, asking questions, getting polls so on and so forth. Okay. Number five is consistency. And I don't think it belongs in that area. I think it's actually probably like more like number two.


Okay. But number five is being consistent. One of the things that you need to understand is that one day somebody might come to your social media and they might be like, cool. You know, oh, that was cool. But you know, she brings a lot of inspiration, empowerment, and da, da, da a week later, her boyfriend broke up with her. She, you know, is spiraling down and all of a sudden she comes online and you just happen to be there again, talking about, you know, something inspirational about codependency and all of a sudden she's like, look, I gotta work with this person. I don't, I got, I can't deny this anymore. I can't pretend that I'm not codependent anymore. I gotta sign up with this coach. Okay. So consistency is super important because it's really about being there and being the voice for truth as a spiritual coach all the time, because over the cycle of 12 months, people will have cycles.


And if they haven't done their inner work, I promise you they're gonna hit a low and they're gonna wanna surrender. And they're gonna say, you know what? I gotta get help. And if you go back online and, and you, they weren't, you weren't there. And another coach was there. Then all of a sudden, you know, that person is somebody that they may want to go to because it's in front of their face. Right then. Right. So being consistent, showing up, having people trust you and see you as a leader leaders show up and they're always there for people. So being consistent is super important. Okay. Number six is lifestyle. People don't wanna think that you're just a workaholic. They wanna see that you have a lifestyle. They want to, you know, people do, um, wanna work with people that they wanna be like, right? So we tend to want to be like people that have have it all.


They have the inner wisdom. They, you know, have a lifestyle. They are, um, you know, developing themselves. They have friends, they have emotions so forth. So lifestyles, one of those things we wanna see your life. People want to see. They don't wanna always just see your face on the camera. They don't wanna always just see you jetting around. They don't wanna see only your food pictures. Right. They wanna see the whole picture of who are you. And if they're gonna, you're gonna build trust with this person, right. What's your life like? And doesn't mean, it doesn't mean that you have to go in five star hotels and maybe that's your brand. Maybe that's what you wanna do. Maybe that's who you are, that's your authentic way. But what is your lifestyle? And people will identify with being authentic. I really recommend being authentic about your lifestyle.


Number seven is emotional proof. Meaning, look, if you're just a robot and you don't have any kind of relatability and it's something that I've struggled with because I don't feel like I suffer around anything anymore. So oftentimes I have to remember that I have to go back and remember the times that I was really going through stuff, you know, I was bulimic when I was 17. I was codependent. You know, through my twenties, I was date raped in high school. I had a stillborn at 22. And, um, you know, or when things are going on in the world, like fires or things, I, you have to come with some empathy at some level and have emotional proof. Like you're connecting at some level. People need to relate. And if you're not relatable, you're just a superwoman or whatever. And you just got it all figured out.


And all you do is preach people. Can't they can't identify what makes a great leader is somebody who's gone through hard times. And they like, they are basically proving that if they can do it, then you can too. Okay. So emotional proof is very, very important. Number eight is lesson of the day, meaning you've gotta bring value. You know, if somebody's gonna sign up for you as a spiritual coach, they want to know that you have a framework. They wanna know that you have particular teachings. They wanna understand, you know, what it is that you practice, what is it right in society, we teach a very specific lineage. We teach metaphysics, we teach universal law. We teach science of mind. We teach, you know, it's a very specific lineage. It's part of the mental cure. It's part of, um, you know, a very strong lineage of what's considered new thought.


And so they wanna know, they wanna know, are you just a Woohoo person? Are you somebody that deals with crystals or not crystals? Are you somebody that deals with, um, reprogram subconscious mind like we do, and there's not right or wrong. It's been authentic to you. We do have spiritual coaches that love our lineage and specifically stay in society. We have other coaches that love, you know, more woo stuff. And I honor that, like, I believe in crystals, I believe in astrology, of course. And it's just, I, I call it Woohoo, cuz it's Woohoo. Just because most people don't understand it. Doesn't have a, you know, stuff to it. But we're understanding now that that Woow stuff is science based. A lot of it. So we're, we're bringing it back down to reality. Okay. So lesson of the day, it's important to, to be able to relate and bring them value and back it up with science and back it up with facts and back it up with something that has them actually understand that you are not just woo.


You actually know your stuff and you understand it. Okay. Number nine is entertainment. People like to laugh. Look, if you don't have any humor, there's something about that. People trust people more that can have a little bit of humor. They're not always serious. And I know for me, I need a lot more laughter I try and get goofy, but sometimes I get a little too goofy and then I gotta reel it back in and, and pretend and be the teacher that, that I am. I tend to be very serious in my life. It's actually really good when I get a little bit more goofy, so entertainment, and sometimes it's pulling other viral videos off the internet or whatever it is to just bring him into your stream, bring 'em into your stories and so on and so forth. So people know, you know, she's still human.


She's still like, you know, is hasn't just completely become a robot. Number 10. Number 10 is probably, you know, something that so many people forget on social media. And number 10 is call to action, okay. To become a leader and to be considered a leader you've got to lead, right? So many people are afraid of this. They're afraid to ask for sales, they're afraid to, you know, ask them to come to event. They're afraid to give them a freebie or follow me or subscribe or like, and comment, or, you know, uh, fill out an application for a discovery call. Well, I don't know what that call to action is, but you gotta do the call to action. If you're going to be a leader or a spiritual coach, right. A world renowned spiritual coach, you are coaching, you are leading, you are bringing them and, and holding their hand and taking them into a better life.


Okay. So on this note, um, I think that social media is something that I believe that it's something that you either love or you don't love. And I don't think that anyone should try and force themselves to do social media for me. I love it. It's an, it's a creative outlet for me. It's a way to stand communication with people. It's just a natural thing. I just think of it as one person that I'm communicating with all day. And I, um, strategize out this. I don't always do these 10, like perfectly, I'm not gonna lie. I do have it on a social media calendar. I actually have a 365 day social media calendar. And in society, um, I teach the girls about how to actually get all of their content beyond those 10 distinctions, but I teach them to build their content in quarters and replicate it every quarter.


And inside we teach much more like how to get on, you know, your live screen, uh, live stream. How, how, what a powerful talk is on, on social media, how to bring in other people, how to reach out to influencers and get them to do a live stream with you, how to interview them on your, on your social media, how to, um, brand yourself, how to sell once you get them, that call to action off there. Okay. So within society, you know what I'm teaching you today is like the very surface level, but it's very good value, extraordinary, good value. But inside society, we take it to a level where you embody it, where you strategize around it, where you really understand, you know, building your brand. You understand how to get the testimonial specifically, how, you know, there's different levels of testimonials to put out in social media, how to master your emotions.


So you can actually show emotional proof, but actually back it up with, you know, leadership distinctions with that. Um, what lessons of the day I train, uh, all the spiritual coaches in specific line. So they have content for their entire year. So on that note, I know that social media is, can be used for good. It can be used for chaos, just like all of life. It is. We're in a relative thing. You can use anything for heaven and hell. So I know right here. And right now that social media is always for my benefit. And for every of this society, spiritual coach benefit, I recognize that this is a place that is magical, that we get to bring truth. And so many distinctions out to the world globally. I recognize that I'm so grateful for all the great minds that came before to create the social media that allows us to connect globally, internationally, helping people transform their lives in their suffering, discover their purpose and calling, and really bring their voice and message to the world.


I say, thank you, thank you for this. And if you're listening to this and you are inspired, I please, I ask that you share it with somebody that you feel like could benefit from it. Also, if you are so inspired and you wanna learn more and actually embody and master social media through all the different avenues of your brand of, of getting that client proof of being inspirational through junior inner work, by understanding and learning things that you can teach every day on your social media, I would highly, highly recommend going and checking out society. We only work with highly committed to individuals that wanna make a difference in the world. But if you have a calling you've had a spiritual calling and you truly desire to either be coached and do your inner work or become a world class coach, please go over there.


You can apply today. There's also free trainings on there as well. And, um, and I'm just, um, I'm just, I just love what I do. And it's, there's nothing more fulfilling than developing the spiritual coaches in there. So have a wonderful day. And may you live your truth? Thanks again for tuning in to Dr. Aaron and soul society podcast, I'd like to invite you to write a review on iTunes. Also, I have a free gift for you, a money meditation and worksheet, which you can That's www S O U L C I E or 30 guided meditations at Dr. That's www D R E R I We also hold monthly soul society events that are all about transformation and building extraordinary community. You can also watch me live daily on good morning, Lala or Instagram at Dr. Aaron TV. Grab your free manifestation masterclass with a purchase of my international bestselling book awakening, a 40 day guide to unleashing your spiritual powers, life, purpose, and manifest in your slash awakening book.