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  • Universal Law of Increase
  • The Pros and Cons of Being an Empath
  • Developing Your Divinity

“ Love points the way and the law makes it possible"

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Weekly Universal Law: The Universal Law of Increase

“You were born for greatness.”  

This law teaches us that the use of energy upon energy creates exponential growth. Whatever we give our energy to will grow and multiply. This is the synergistic, leveraging, and compounding factor of life. The extent to which you invest your energy into relationships that expand, investments that grow, and things you love is the extent to which you will catapult your life.  

AWAKEN THE ORACLE WITHIN: This is a divine sign for you to stop putting your energy into things that drain your energy. It is time to pivot and launch into the life of your dreams. Focus on that which you wish to expand. Give thanks and praise every penny you have, every friend you have, and every ounce of energy within your cells. Align with people who are like-minded and witness the miracles. 

JOURNAL & ACTION: Invest in your self-development and self-growth. Give your energy, time, and money towards the expanding of your consciousness.


The lesson of the day:

Divine: The unifying consciousness that creates the vine of life, creativity, and love.

Divine Discontent: That within the individual that is dissatisfied.  It’s Spirit demanding the expansion and creativity of the individual.  This divine urge is the impetus for the evolution of our species. 

Divine Ideal: Spirit recognizing itself as Self.  It is the individual consciousness perceiving itself as the Original Source of creation and creating a life of full self-expression and joy.   

Divine Order:  This is the first law of the universe which is harmony. Truth is 

Divine Principle: States that we are spiritual beings in a spiritual Universe, governed by our use of the Law of Cause-and-Effect. The divine principle is spiritual causation operating through universal law, such is the power of right thinking that it cancels and erases everything unlike itself. Place no limit on principle. It answers every question, and solves every problem. It is a solution to every difficulty. We are limited, not by principle, but by our ability to see perfection. One who understands the use of divine principle never tries to suggest or personally influence another.


Binge My Podcast Series:
Heal Your Trauma Series
52 Universal Law Series
Money Breakthrough Series
Spiritual Awakening Series
Relationship Dysfunction Recovery Series
Live Your Truth & Reprogram Your Mind Series
Metaphysical Bible Series
Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of Soulciété Spiritual Community and Spiritual Psychology School, Master Manifesting and Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.

Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes

Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Do not reuse this content. See our Terms




Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.  

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. 

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” 

Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.

Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions,  and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.




Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you together we're awakening the world.


Hello, spiritual superstar. I'm super excited that we come together each week to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align to our divine, unique divine expression. I know that you have a specific calling in this lifetime. I know that you have a message to bring to the world, and together we are awakening the world. So let's break this on down. I'm super excited. I'm going to be breaking down the universal law of increase, which is my favorite law out of all the laws. I'm going to be talking a little bit about all the energies flowing through B, which have been super intense, which I'm sure you are probably experiencing as well. And then of course that is the last week of our class room time together this week and what we're going to be doing over the break and just really taking it from a perspective of you being the CEO of your personal and professional life.


So let's begin by knowing the truth, taking a deep breath in through the nose and exhaling out. What I recognize for sure is this divine life. I recognize the divine destiny and the divine discontent, the divine unification and the divine ideal and the divine order of life. And in this divinity, I recognize my true identity, your true identity, that I am that essence. That is the all-knowing, omnipotent essence of all of life, the creative factor within each and every one of us that absolutely is guided by the highest of the highest. And so in this day, in this moment, I recognize the perfection and the incredible opportunity of this relative life. The dark and the light, the good and the bad. And I declare today a divine day. I simply know this as together, we say, and so it is, okay, well let's do this.


So I want to just begin by knowing that each week as a community, we basically have one more universal law. There's only one law of the universe. It's a law of cause and effect. You can call it the law of oneness. You can call it whatever you want. It's nameless. It's basically the mechanics of how we create, as we say in the new thought movement, in spiritual psychology and in science and mind, which is all one kind of movement. We say that love points the way and the law makes it possible. I'm not sure if it was Ernest Holmes or Ms. Curtis Hopkins or who said that exactly, but love leads the way and the law makes it possible. Thomas Cho also was a great teacher, so many incredible teachers in our lineage. So what does that mean exactly? That means that love is the life force that love really is that magnetism, that part of us that absolutely is drawn and draws to us the things that we love.


And the law is the mechanics of how it works. We always say we don't outline. We don't say how it's going to work out. We know the truth. We stick true to focusing and embodying the highest frequency of love. And in that embodiment, the mentally equivalent or the vibrational match of life is created, right? So the law increase is one of 52 of the law distinctions in my universal law oracle card deck and book. And it comes from all the laws that I've learned over the years. Thomas Cho was with the greatest teacher of universal law because he was a lawyer, it was a mystic Christian, and he was over in the east in India, and he began to really figure out and question, how does the Bible relate to Hinduism? Out of all the philosophies, out of all the religions, how does this actually work?


There's got to be some kind of law and order to it, if you will. He was the one that really broke down the laws in our lineage, but so many masters have as well. And it doesn't matter. We refer to all science, all philosophy, all religion. So it doesn't matter if your consciousness is in alignment with whatever, we celebrate all of it. So today I want to talk to you about a distinction of law called the universal law of increase, which is my favorite. So first of all, I just want to say that you were born for greatness. Truly and truly, you were born for greatness. And this law teaches us, it teaches us profound, profound wisdom. This law teaches us that the use of energy upon energy creates exponential growth. Whatever we give our energy to will grow and multiply. This is a synergistic leveraging and compounding factor of life.


The extent to which you invest your energy into relationships that expand investments that grow, that are assets and things that you love is the extent to which you will catapult your life. So my question for you is where are you investing your time? Are you investing your time, being stressed out, scrolling through social media? Well then guess what? You're going to exponentially get more stress. In fact, you'll probably create dis-ease in the body. If you stress too much, right, you will catapult the stress. This is the compounding factor of life, the increase. And as well, because the law will create exponential amounts of abundance or the abundance of scarcity, fear or love, right? Lack of abundance. It's all through the law. It's a relative universe, and it will increase both the good and the bad at whatever it is that you are investing your time, energy, attention to.


So what are you increasing your consciousness is what is the factor that is increasing? So are you focusing on expanding your consciousness, healing your traumas, and releasing your limited beliefs, right? Are you becoming more and more whole and increasing your wholeness, right? Or are you creating more dysfunction, more discord, focusing on the lack, focusing on the fear, focusing on relationships that are destructive? Or are you focusing on relationships that are building you up that are inspiring you, right? What do you do every day? So I just want you to take a moment and just reflect. Are you sitting in front of the TV just consuming a bunch of nothingness, getting more and more just a zombie walking through life? Or are you energizing and increasing the energy flow in your body, the currency of money flowing through giving value and receiving value? Where are you increasing?


Because God source within divine source, spirit source, your true self does one thing and it says yes, and it says yes, and it echoes exponentially as it increases exponentially. This is the compounding factor of true wealth. If you want wealth, you don't buy liabilities, you buy assets. If you want relationships, you hang out with people who are assets, not liabilities, right? It's just basic one-on-one of life that very few people actually learn. So in this, I'm just knowing for you that wherever your energy is being drained, that is the universal law showing you, experiencing having you have the experience of knowing you're not supposed to go in that direction. You can. It's a relative experience. So you'll learn regardless, but it's time to pivot. It's time to take bold action. And as we go into the end of this year, you have a choice. I saw post or meme on social media.


It said we're going from the 3D to the five D, and you're going to see a big difference between people who are staying in 3D and fear and lack of division and people who are going to be just rising into the five D. But the truth is from a spiritual perspective is you are always in all multi dimensions. And this has come into my life. So let's now transition from universal law of increase to what currently is going on within my own life, which I know that is one with your life and the collective. And so I do want to share this concept of the 3D and the five D and the energies that are really going through me and which are going through everybody. So again, coming back to this meme on social media, it said, Hey, we're going to this place where some people are going to be staying in the 3D and some people are going to the five D.


And the people in the 3D are going to be kind of in fear and division and polarization and the cancel culture and all that stuff, that human stuff. And the people in the going to the five D will go into the harmony, into the theoral realm and really live in this unification. But again, I'm here to say that we are always in all dimensions, multi-dimensional spiritual beings, that you are not just the individual, you are the collective, you are the cosmic, you are all of it. You'll always be in some experience with 3D and you've always been in the experience of the five D. You'll always be in the godhood at some level and you also will always be in the complete effect of life. There's all dynamics at all points in time. And this is the point of the time space spectrum. You also are always in the past, in the future, you are always here, you're always all of your ancestors.


So there's nowhere to go. Is there an evolution of consciousness? Not there is exponential growth of all points in time of our use of consciousness and the experience of consciousness, but the truth is you are all of it at all points in time because there is no such thing as time from a spiritual perspective. So what is happening with me through this is now if you're in my inner circle, you probably think I'm a little bit nuts in a good way. I say I don't want normal, I want magic F normal, I want magic. So one of my best friend calls me today and she says, how are you? I said, I can't answer that question anymore because that's just such a ridiculous question. I mean, how am I? I'm divine and I'm human. I'm amazing, and I'm also feeling like the effect I have every energy of all points in time in me right now.


I could never even say how I am. And if you're my best friend, you're like, yeah, I get that. That makes no sense anymore. So what are you doing? I was like, okay, that's a better question. So the point is that I've been experiencing so many energies coming through me, and of course everyone is an empath at some level, not just an empath or you're not. That's a lie. Everyone is empathic, whether they know it or not, whether they are tuned into it or not is a different thing. But when you do this work, as some of you that are listening are in the program, and as you do this deep, deep, deep work, you turn on all your supernatural faculties and it's like, whoa, it's amazing. And it's fricking intense because it's beautiful and it's also like, oh my gosh, I can feel the collective of the war going on over on the other planet.


I can feel every energy in this entire city, and I can feel the cosmos as well. So I've been noticing lately that there's energy frequencies coming through that are different than I've ever felt. I have felt almost like waves of, I don't know if it's the sun flares coming through or radiation coming from the phones or what, but I can feel like one part of the day I'm like, oh my gosh, I feel so grounded and so amazing. My nervous system is amazing. I've been doing some breath work and meditation and some walks on the beach and all that. And then there'll be wave where I'm like, oh my gosh, I feel like I'm coming. There's this energy coming out of my body and through my body that's so intense right now. And the old me would have analyzed it, evaluated it, thought something's wrong with me.


Oh my gosh, I'd be freaking out calling people. And they evolved me, if you will, is able to just experience it. So we have very intense energies coming around, and there's even suicide rates are very high. And if you are listening and if you or anyone is having any suicidal thoughts, please reach out for professional help. But so the energies on another note for everyone has really been intense. And so I just want to say it's okay, it's natural right now. You don't have to analyze it always. You can just experience it coming through and accept it and just experience it, witness it. Okay, so in this, I just want to say that I am very excited we're coming to the end of our season of class. What we do is, as a leader, I've trained and worked with many top CEOs and people that have huge companies and worked across the globe.


And what CEOs do is they, and all companies work off of quarters, quarter, 1, 2, 3, and four. And each quarter we take a week off of everything, and most leaders will actually take time to take a break, reflect, look at the goals, celebrate and make new goals. And at the holidays, we actually take two weeks because we condense the weeks and we make it so it's two weeks off. So we're just about to come to this great for everyone to be with the holidays, with their loved ones and really be able to take some time because, and especially in the western world, we are a hustle culture and it's very unhealthy. We end up getting super burnout in Europe. Mostly people take months off in the summertime and in America we don't take any time off, and hence our health has really taken a toll from that.


So my invitation for each and every one of us is to take some time to know that as we come to the end of the cycle, which is a unit of time, that we can now take a look and reflect and see what worked and what didn't work, what do we want to create? Because in this new unit of time, of this new year that's coming up, 2024, the new unit of time for the holiday break, the new unit of time to reset every single day, we get a new day every single year, every single quarter. We treat quarters just like a new year. And so my invitation is for you to really, really sit down and say, Hey, if I were to create my life from nothing from the beginning, what would I actually create? What do I love and what no longer serves me? Because that really is the question I think that everyone's looking at right now.


The silver lining and the beautiful thing to come out of hardship or wars across the planet, or a really challenging time, which so many people are going through, is that it shifts our core values. And what you thought mattered to you before may not matter anymore, but most people clinging onto it. I remember when I had the show, good Morning, Lala Land, and it was a really big show. We had some of the biggest names on that show, and it was beginning to not work anymore because the producer had more of a vision of bringing on a lot of stuff, and it was not in alignment with the mission. And it was like I was so afraid to let it go because it was such a identity. Everyone knew me around from that show and I had swag sent to me every single day and red carpets every other day, and it was a big identity.


But I'll never forget a couple of my dear friends, I remember Lori Harder and Natalie from Boss Bay, I had this deep conversation with them about the show and they said, let it go. And I was like, I was surprised. I thought for sure they'd be like, oh, you should just work through it. And they're like, it's not. Life's too short. Life's too short to not be authentic. And we know now from the Spain program that authenticity is the highest, highest frequency. And so I invite you to really take a look at your life and decide as we go into this new unit of time what it is that is authentic for you. This is your life. It's not dress rehearsal. And so in this, I'm just knowing the truth as we take a deep breath together and just coming into knowing that you get to create your life on your terms, not anyone else's terms.


And if you're in a bad situation or a job or something that you don't like, the first thing is to decide. Don't think about the details, don't think about the how. Remember, we don't do that. What we do is we decide we powerfully declare for ourselves what we are going to embody, and that in that faith, in that conviction and doing the hard work that it is done in destiny. But first, the first thing is to declare in mind. And so today, I declare with every ounce of my body to live in accordance with my divine will, the highest will, the unifying consciousness that creates the vine of life, the creative force love. And in this, I recognize this divine discontent in me that is always edging me and pushing me and prod of me towards my highest self. And so I say, thank you, divine discontent, which says, no, I don't want to do this anymore.


Yes to this. I listen to that divine destiny within me that already knows what the heart is trying to tell me. And in that I know that whatever divine discontent you're feeling, that within the individual is dissatisfied. That dissatisfied is a blessing. This is demanding and expanding of the creative, individualized you, the divine urge that is the impetus of the evolution of our species and you, the divine ideal. I recognize there is that part of you. The ideal part that spirit recognizes itself as spirit. It is the individualized consciousness perceiving itself as that original source of creation and creating a life full of love, expression and joy. And in this, I know the divine order, that this is the first law of the universe, which is harmony. And in there, there's something in you that knows this divine principle that states that you are a spiritual being and a spiritual universe governed by our use of a universal law cause and effect a divine principle of spiritual causation operating through universal law, which is a power of right thinking and that it cancels and erases everything unlike itself.


There is no limits on principle, there's no limits on you. And it answers every question, solves every problem as a solution to every difficulty. You are not limited. You are perfection. And so in this, I'm knowing perfection for today, I'm knowing perfection for you and for life as together we say. And so it is. And so in this I invite you, I invite you to say yes, I invite you to say yes and come into our events, our membership or certifications. I invite you to come right now, come over to , which is , and say, yes. Say yes to coming in, saying yes to the event, saying yes to the membership, saying yes to certification. Book a call in, check it out, do whatever. Say yes. Take bold action. Go beyond your comfort zone. I would love more than anything to spend the year with you. I promise you that your life will be unrecognizable. I know from the core of my core, our teachings are the highest of the highest. And I'm just so honored to this work. I'm so incredibly grateful. It is what beats my heart. This is called love. I simply know this as together, we say. And so it's


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