Dec. 22, 2019


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Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.
Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”
Join Soulciété Spiritual Entrepreneurs or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Master Coach & E4 Trauma Method® Coach.
Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions, and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Live Your Truth...

Join me in this 12-week series to birthing your power, passion, and purpose. 


Truth Triangle:

Power: Birth your true identity as a powerful spiritual being. 

Passion: Birth your unique truth and deepest passions. 

Purpose: Birth your calling by turning your suffering into triumphs. 

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.  

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. 

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” 

Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.

Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions,  and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.





To society, the shift to the movement. So you did so truth


Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day. Another truth live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in a community soul society, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people. And how we're doing that is we're developing spiritual leaders. I truly believe the future spiritual leader is you. It's the person next door. It's the mom. It's the friend. It's the person that is able to not only know their truth, but live their truth. And in that they touch and inspire our lives. Yes, we develop great spiritual leaders with great tools of reprogramming. The subconscious mind, birthing people's truth, getting clear of their power and their passion and their purpose and helping people develop their businesses online.


But I truly believe the most inspirational people I know are people who are living their truth, who know who they are and aren't shakeable, they don't put their worth out in the world. They don't look to validation from others. They know who they are, and they live from that deep, deep knowingness of faith of certainty, unshakeable unstoppable. Okay, so let's do this. We are in a 12 series called live your truth. This is number 11 of 12 and go back and binge all the other ones. And if I've already recorded, the one ahead, you can go binge that one as well. So what is this series live? Your truth is this series of a process I developed over 22 years. Everything based from Greek Oracle processes, Socrates method, and understanding human psyche to develop what I call the truth. Triangle. The truth triangle has three sides to it, and we birth your true power.


You are an infinite divine, all-knowing powerful, spiritual being and all spiritual work is really shifting back to the true identity of the I am. So we look at the trauma. We look at the limiting beliefs. We look at where you've handed your power over in life, and we restore the truth of who you are. Now, second side of the triangle is passion. We birth your passion. You have a specific truth, right? There's ultimate truths and relative truths. And what's true for you is true for you. The universe has to agree with you, regardless of anything is your perspective. So we wanna get clear of what your, what your core values are, what really matters to you, and how do you no longer look to the world as being the cause of anything. You look to the world as the beautiful reflection of your consciousness. So birthing your passion is really getting clear of what matters to you and being able to put boundaries on people, plate and things you can live in peace, live in joy, live in your own divine nature, which is being fulfilled, which is one with everything.


The third side of the triangle is birthing your purpose. And that's actually part of what we're gonna go over today. So birthing your purpose is really about looking at the trials and triumphs that you had in this lifetime and all lifetimes, all coming down through your DNA. And we basically look at it and, and understand that you're here to complete your DNA. You're here to complete whatever negative aspects are, are energetic. Charges are still on your DNA and neutralize those and be able to have free will. So a lot of the clients, basically they have had trials in different areas of their life. And this is what's birthed their purpose in a lifetime to not only heal themselves, to heal their lineage, but to heal people that also are going through the same things they went through. So in birthing your purpose, it really becomes the identity that you are.


Because if we go all the way back to the identity of the I am, and then we restore and come back and choose to have the identity that we want in this life. It's like being a character in the play of life. You get to produce it, you get to direct it and you are the character in it, right? And then inside of the truth, triangle is what's really important, which is living your truth. This comes down to your daily spiritual practice, and it comes down to the embodiment that you want to be. Who do you desire to be? How are you going to embody those things on a day to day basis? What are the words you're gonna say? What are the thoughts that you wanna choose to think? What are your, how are you gonna connect your true self, right? And how are you gonna align to your passion and purpose and calling?


Okay, so let's do this. So we are on week number 11 of 12, which is purpose and calling worksheet. Next week, we're gonna actually create your life purpose statement, but this week we're going to just birth your purpose and calling. And this is done. Of course, you can't do this worksheet. If you haven't already done your trauma and you haven't already done your past lives and you haven't already gotten clear of your core values and things like this. This is after all that, when it's all, when you, when you really feel like you've done some healing and you really feel like you've had triumph over all your tribulations, triumph over the suffering, we now wanna go into this worksheet. And this is one of the fundamental worksheets I love to do. Um, birthing people's purpose and calling and creating a life purpose statement. I've gone in with groups of children to do this.


I've gone in with different groups around the world, online and offline. And it brings me to a, a, a relevant store that actually happened. Last night, I went over, I was invited over to this beautiful event over in Brentwood, Los Angeles with some dear girlfriends of mine and others. And, um, it was really a showcase of a mini documentary that they created. Um, they didn't create this, uh, this other group did, which is called hustle 2.0. That is a group that goes into high security prisons. And does transformational work with the inmates? And the girlfriends invited me over there are called the sister society girlfriends that are big influencers and lines that have hundreds of thousands of followers and do transformational and spiritual work over there. And, um, so at this event it was beautiful. First of all, one of my girlfriends has a gorgeous home, really intentional, conscious human beings.


And what I love about these human beings is that they are, they're not just taking their, their prosperity for granted. They earned it, they've done their core, core, deep, deep work. And in that you birth your prosperity as well. You claim your birthright of prosperity and they know that they have to give back. And so they do give back. And so, um, four of my girlfriends went into, um, in, to serve for three days in one of the prisons doing transformational work with hustle 2.0. And so they go into the prison. And for three days they do deep work of healing, understanding the traumas that they've gone through, understanding and revealing all their, their, his story, their, his story, and they birth a new possibility for them. And they took a look at things like, how can they create, what can they create from here on, out in their life and their, in their families and in their potential careers, if they ever leave prison, things like that.


And it was super, super touching to witness, um, the mini trailer of the documentary and meet the director. And, uh, one of the inmates that was kind of the primary role in it. So the primary role, um, this gentleman, uh, I actually forgot his name off the top of my head. I'm so sorry. But, so I wanna talk about his story because it's a, an perfect example of someone's purpose and calling. So the triumph that he's had, right? So he was a young man that went to prison. I think he was molested at seven years old and at 11 years old, he was basically gotten a fight with a guy at a young boy and grabbed a pistol I believe, and shot him. And, um, I don't think he killed him, but he went to prison. And so obviously through his work, within the prison, he began to find hustle 2.0 and began to find his faith and find the truth of who he is and realizing that he was just a, a really product of a circumstances.


He didn't know any better. And he did the best that he could out of the trauma and the decisions that were made from the rape, from all the stuff that happened in his life, the molestation. And he came, he's now a leader within hustle 2.0, and quite frankly, he's, he's a minister at heart. You can tell, cause he, uh, he's just a highly, highly hu conscious human being. So now he's got this triumph, right? It's not over, he's still dealing with that triumph. He's still has to have retribution and all the things that he was so clear about, but truly he's had major triumph over where he's come and where he is now. And his passion is really to help others, other children, and other inmates, other people like him that have come from a really tough background and help them know the truth of who they are and become empowered.


And his talent is really his preaching. I mean, that's really his talent. So this is what his birth, his purpose in calling. Okay. So the formula, if you wanna get out your pen and paper for your purpose and calling is three things, and this may not be the ultimate truth. There can be somebody else's formula, but after working with thousands of people on this, this formula seems to work. So your purpose in calling formula is your triumphs plus your passions. Plus your talents equals your purpose in calling, I'll say it again, your triumphs plus your passions. Plus your talents equals your purpose in calling. This is the deal that man that stand before me and about 150 other people in this beautiful home last night touched our lives. He's a divine, spiritual, powerful all-knowing spirit. And he embodied this, this lifetime here and a certain lineage that came from tough upbringings from a crime background, from dysfunction, from everything.


And he, he chose things that he only knew at that point in time to choose. And I believe that any one of us, we can't judge it. And I know that all of us have done things that we could have got locked up for. I know I did as a teenager, but guess what? I wasn't black and I didn't get caught. Okay. We've all done things we're ashamed of. We've all done things that we're illegal at some point in time, maybe not, but majority of human beings have. And the point is that this man now rises like the Phoenix rising, right? He now knows who he is. And quite frankly, all of that heartache becomes the biggest blessing of his life because it becomes the greatest calling and the most fulfillment you could ever imagine. And so none of those guys really wanna learn from somebody that in, in the, in the prison doesn't, they don't wanna learn from somebody who's never gone through hardship.


Okay. When my girlfriends went in, all four of them have gone through major things. Alexy Panos has gone through rape at gunpoint. You know, they've gone through heartbreak, they've gone through financial ups and downs. They've gone through, you know, uh, beatings, all kinds of things. And this is the common denomin they find with working with so many people, a wide spectrum of clients, celebrities to, you know, single moms to whatever. Right. That everybody has a story. I know I personally went through date rape. I know I went through, you know, divorce in my family. I know I went through, you know, I've gone through dysfunctional relationships. I've gone through physical abuse in relationship, mental abuse. I've gone through and I've done crazy shit too, right? Like we're human. And that's our human touch is that we are not the product. We're not, that's not makes us up who we are.


Okay. So again, the formula is your talents are your triumphs, plus your passion plus your talents. And if you haven't had triumph, people say, you know, I don't know what my triumph is. I don't know what that is. Well, then that the truth is that you're not ready to birth your purpose in calling. You still have inner work to do to know what the true triumph is, right? You, you can't have that insight. You can't have that, knowing that this is your calling. If you're still haven't done your inner work. So to birth your purpose in calling demands, you to have triumph. And in order to have triumph, you've gotta do your trauma work. You've gotta do your inner work. You've gotta do your inner healing. And that isn't happen in three sessions, right? This is lifetimes and lifetimes and lifetimes coming down your DNA track.


People want instant gratification. It takes years. Sometimes I know that man has been with hustle 2.0 for years. Right? So my invitation for you today is to make a list, make a list of, of the hardest thing you've ever had to go through. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to go through? And, and maybe you're still going through it. Have you had triumph over it? So what is that right for me, it was it, of course it was having my stillborn at 22. I was really hard. You know, being alone in that cold, dark morticians room in the basement, that was a living hell. I was broken in a thousand million zillion pieces. But guess what? That same thing became the biggest blessing of my life because now I help other people awaken to the truth of who they are. We're not our bodies, we're not our bodies. We're not this lifetime. We are infinite, immortal spiritual beings right now.


And so the next thing is to make a list of what are your passions? You know, what do you love doing? I love teaching. I love speaking. I love presenting. I love creating content. That's based on truth. That's based on helping people in their suffering and, and find their freedom. And what's your, what are your talents? You know, what are your talents? I'd say my greatest talent that people have told me is that I I've, I'm li I listen. Well, I'm able to listen. And that's from doing all the work, being able to hear the limiting beliefs, being able to hear what the soul's saying. And so for you, you know, I think that what is that, you know, we, we wanna, we wanna learn from people that have gone through stuff you don't wanna learn about, you know, health issues from somebody that's always had perfect health.


You wanna learn from somebody that had a disease or has been obese or whatever that is. We wanna learn about wealth and building wealth from somebody who's struggled or been homeless. We wanna learn about anything in life from people somebody's gone through hard thing. That's, what's inspirational going and going from really hardship to having triumph over something. Okay. So right out your skills, right at your talents, right out your knowledge, what, what, what do you have, like what have you gone through? What could somebody learn from you? And I think that somehow we think that we have to be an almighty master up on the Hilltop to become a teacher. And that's just not the truth. You've overcome something that someone hasn't, maybe it's, you know, learning how to organize your bills. Maybe it's learning how to invest. Maybe it's learning how to, uh, do design on CAMBA online.


I don't know what that is for you, but I know that if you have some skill set and you can help others, then guess what? You're a teacher, don't wait. You know, I think the, the biggest thing that came outta last night for me was that it's so profound to watch so many people that have such great wisdom in healing, the subconscious and trauma, cuz that's kind of the feel I'm in. So those are the people I hang out with. Right? And we have so many gifts and, and, and don't wait, get it out there. People need this. You guys, there's millions and millions and millions of people. I believe it's the number one thing on this planet to help people heal their trauma, awaken transform, understand the truth of who they are. Don't wait another day. You too can become a spiritual leader. And whether you touch one life or whether you touch a trillion lives, right?


Oh, a billion, right? There's only trillion people on the planet, no matter what you do do it now don't wait. This is powerful work. We're at a, we're at a, it's like a tidal wave coming in with this work. People understand. They finally understand you guys. They finally get that. It's the subconscious that they've gotta deal with. They finally get that. It's their trauma. They've gotta deal with. It's finally this thing. So I'm gonna invite you to come into society. I'm gonna invite you to apply. I'm gonna invite you to say yes. And whether it's society or not say yes to your growth, to your self development, get a coach. You know, we certify girls in this, in society and men too. We're opening up the men's division right now. Okay. So make a list of your passions. The potential ways you could turn your passions into valuable services.


And if you don't know what that is, then there's platforms you can learn from, make a list of your, the hardest experience you've ever gone through and list the victories you've had over these challenges, make a list of how you feel. You could help others who are going through a similar situation. You've gone through. Maybe you've gone through rape. Maybe you've gone through an eating disorder. Maybe you've gone through, you know, heartbreak or codependency or whatever that is. The truth is you can help somebody. You are the future spiritual leader. I truly believe that, you know what? I get most excited. Someone asked me last night, what do you get? What are you most excited about right now? You know what I'm most excited about? I'm most excited about creating content. That isn't is that lives on beyond me. Things like a program like society that trains people to be able to take the work and take it out in their own expression.


Things like the book that's coming out, that we'll be able to have something that someone can take that learn some content and take it into their life and their own expression. That's what I'm most excited about. It's not about becoming a celebrity. It's not about becoming an influencer of having so many likes. It's about making the difference in the world. That's what I live for and die for. I've handed my life over to this work. Look, I I'm just because I'm a leader. Doesn't mean I have hard days to, I get lonely to, I get all those things, but guess what? That's my driving force that keeps me doing my work because I can't have true fulfillment and all this, unless we all do. We're one consciousness. Do you get that? We're one consciousness together. And we can't just live in total freedom without everybody living in total freedom.


It's impossible. We're one mind. And so I just know the truth of who we are, which is divine. We're oneness, where there's only one spirit. There's only one life. You are my reflection. I am your reflection. And so today, as you birth your purpose in calling, I know that you have a specific gift and message to bring to the world. And it's the greatest gift you can give, which is you, the highest version of you, the greatest gift you can ever give anybody in your life is for you to be a healed whole human being. And in that I know that we're here giving back. We're restoring you. Don't just forgive and forget. You gotta actually make amends and you gotta, and you gotta actually equalize it. You gotta give back I'm in service because it's the only way that I truly restore my soul.


And so in this, I know the truth, the power and all the above. You guys have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth? Also, if you've gotten something out of this podcast, I ask that you give a five star review on whatever platform you're on. I'm on obviously this platform, this, uh, podcast is on iTunes, iHeart, Spotify, you name it all across the, the board co all of them like 20 different podcasts section. So have a beautiful day refer a friend. You guys, this is a great process to go through. And, um, you could check out society S O U L C I E T I'm on social media. Also love to be friends with you. It's at Dr., D R E R a Have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth?


Thanks again for tuning in to Dr. Aaron and soul society podcast, I'd like to invite you to write a review on iTunes. Also, I have a free gift for you, a money meditation and worksheet, which you can That's www S O U L C I E T or 30 guided meditations at Dr. That's www D R E R I We also hold monthly soul society events that are all about transformation and building extraordinary community. You can also watch me live daily on good morning, Lala or Instagram, Dr. Grab your free manifestation masterclass with a purchase of my international bestselling book awakening, a 40 day guide to unleashing your spiritual powers, life, purpose, and manifest in your slash awakening book.