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Sept. 5, 2021

E4 Trauma Method™ | Discover Your Purpose Via Trauma Work [Trauma Series]

E4 Trauma Method™ | Discover Your Purpose Via Trauma Work [Trauma Series]

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.
Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”
Join Soulciété Spiritual Entrepreneurs or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Master Coach & E4 Trauma Method® Coach.
Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions, and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

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Dr. Erin Show

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.  

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. 

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” 

Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.

Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions,  and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.



This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth?


Did you know that? According to New York times, only around 25% American adults site, they have a clear sense of purpose about what makes their lives meaningful. So if you're somebody that is desiring to truly know your purpose in calling this podcast is for you. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. We come together in new thought global and society truly coming to bring truth to the world. So we're in a series of trauma series podcast series. Today is all about how trauma relates to birthing your purpose and calling. So Victor Frankel was a man who wrote the book man's search for meaning. It was actually written about the concentration camps, um, with the Nazis and the Jews.


And what he found was he would witness people coming into the camps. And I believe the stats were something like only one outta 29, people survived going into the concentration camps and what he found, cuz obviously he survived. He found that it was the meaning that people placed on their lives that had them survive or not. He would watch them come in and they first would be, you know, completely in shock over, over being put in the camp. And then they would go to apathy really just really not even caring and slowly they would die. He truly believed that it wasn't actually lack of food or water or anything like that that had majority of people die. It was actually the lack of purpose. And so today I wanna break on down how trauma bur your purpose. It's actually probably one thing that really distinguishes the E four trauma method over other trauma processes is the birthing of someone's purpose and calling really birthing the legacy that someone wants to leave in this lifetime.


So personally, as you guys know, my story of the hardest thing I ever went through is, was having to stillborn, uh, son at the age of 22, a full term stillborn son. And the blessing that came out of that was that traumatic incident gave me my life. It gave me the, the breakdown for me to seek truth for me to truly seek and take decades of becoming the person I am to now, now the doctor divinity and, and somebody who's touched hundreds of thousands of lives and somebody who has brought for trauma method to the world and helping bring new thought movement, um, further along. So I truly give gratitude for that traumatic incident and if it weren't for that, and weren't for doing the trauma work and neutralizing that incident around having a stillborn, taking the trauma and minusing the motions and birthing the wisdom and the wisdom that came out of that for me was really my commitment, my core commitment to bringing spiritual awakening and truth to the world, recognizing that we are spiritual beings.


And you know, we've gotten so lost in the construct of the programming of the lies that we're told, um, through, through the breakdown of our culture collectively. So I wanna actually break down a couple of client cases and things to help you understand how you can birth your purpose and calling and legacy out of doing your trauma work, transform your trauma, transform your life. So one of the most amazing, beautiful things I get to witness is taking clients through E for trauma method and watching them not only release the energy that's in their body, the emotions, all that, but really come to a neutral stance of as Ising whatever occurred or did not occur in the traumatic incident, but also being able to have them spot their commands, being able to see what limited beliefs and limited identity they decided in that high state of a, of a traumatic incident of high high state of emotions that impinged upon their subconscious mind and really has been playing out like puppet strings in their life.


And when you see a client actually come to the epiphany that they created, that limited belief and that limited belief has been playing out in their life. Um, in so many ways that it actually restores their power in an instant because they recognize that right in that moment, understanding that they created their own limitations, they created their own bondage. They created their own suffering, um, that they actually did that in the decision that they made about themselves is actually the moment that they AC actually restore their power. And they actually have a light that kind of comes on that they realize that if they could create that relative experience, they also are that powerful to create something new in their life. And we know that we don't go through anything just to go through it. Everything is a divine appointment. Everything's a masterclass in life.


And trauma is one of those things that is a divine appointment for us to experience something so that we can be the change that we wanna see in the world. We are univer, your universal law, universal law is not outside of you. Universal law brings things back to order. It brings things back. So whatever's on your DNA track, whatever trauma is there that is yours to heal, to reveal the highest, the highest version of yourself. So let me, uh, bring in the first client, obviously again, I change the names of clients for their own confidentiality. So Steph Steph, um, Steph actually is somebody that came to me. She, um, she had a lot of trauma. We began to go into her E four trauma method. And, um, you know, you never know which one is the hardest, um, trauma of someone's life. Generally, you don't go to the most difficult trauma of someone's lives.


Usually you'll start with some smaller ones. And then when they're ready, their consciousness will let you know that they're ready for their deep, deep, big traumas, their big tees. Right? So one of our big tees, her big traumas was her mother actually abused her physically. And there was an actual incident where her mother was actually had her down, like in a ball in the corner and was actually hitting her. And in that moment, staff decided, um, that life isn't safe. And so what happened with staff is she began to overeat really to stay safe, to, to have an actual physical guard of her body, to stay safe from people, having them kind of like make sure she was always divided and alone at some level. And this command life isn't safe, played out in her life for a very long time. She began to realize and declare that she not only wanted to begin to heal from overeating.


And she kind of already had began to do some of it. You know, she had begun to educate herself on food and began to get, you know, lose a little of the weight, but it wasn't until she actually did this trauma work that she was actually able to really lose. Um, you know, the final weight that made her actually feel really healthy and that, um, but what was really the most important thing is that she birth the wisdom out of the traumatic incident. She birth that life is safe, that she can never be touched by anyone or anything because she is the untouchable she's divine. She is the present. She is the power. And that, even though her mother beat her physically, she knew that her mother still loved her and that she knew that she was doing it out of her own pain and suffering and abuse.


And so her purpose began to be Steph's purpose was what is the most difficult thing you've ever gone through, right? So she began to recognize that this was the most difficult thing she'd ever gone through. So she actually, her entire career came out of this. What, which her mission statement was. I help women who overeat claim their freedom by discovering their purpose. So what she began to do was develop a business that was helping women who overeat really do their own inner trauma work, claiming their freedom through different processes, by discovering their purpose. She really found that when people found their purpose, that it, their, their problems like overeating would go away, the obsessions, the addiction that this or that would go away because their energy was focused on a heart driven purpose and calling and legacy. So Steph today is doing extremely well. And the point is, is that through our hardest times, our hardest traumas there comes wisdom and there comes a calling and a purpose outta that.


So next case is that I like to bring in other cases that are not just, um, people that are struggling, how we think they're struggling. I think that our culture has quote, quote, what looks successful and what doesn't look successful. And oftentimes the people that you think are successful, have a lot of trauma and are having their success out of trying to be enough and out of a limited command as well. So the next case study, um, Natalie Natalie's father was an alcoholic. And what happened with Natalie is she had a lot of traumatic incidences with her father when she was young. Her mother was kind of very passive and her father would get very, um, drunk and abusive, um, mostly, um, verbally. So Natalie decided she decided that she would control all show you that was her command in the middle of a drunken stoop with her father.


He was screaming at her telling her how stupid and how worthless she was and under her breath. And she said aloud as well, I'll show you. And she decided out of a limited belief out of a division, I'll show you making him wrong, making her right. And this played out in Natalie's life for a very long time. She did show him and she did show the world. She actually built a multiple seven figure business and was having great quote, quote success. But what happened is she kept having legal battles over and over again to prove I'll show you. And in fact, she won every case of the legal battles, but it was always a battle because she had to keep that identity of I'll show you. And so, as she came in and began to work, um, with me doing the E four trauma method, she began to realize how much she had been, been driving and being driven and motivated by, you know, by that command and by proving herself.


And really it was out a feeling not, not, not worthy enough at a core core level. So what happened with Natalie is she didn't change her business much. She just pivoted it. And instead of, um, helping women create businesses that are just driven on getting money and material, she began to pivot her business, to helping women really find their authentic business and heart based businesses, bringing them to the world. She just became a lot softer. She became somebody that was available for love. She became somebody who was available to not have to control everybody and everything. So her marriage got better because she wasn't always trying to control everything EV all the time. So Natalie became somebody that was really open in the heart and recognize that, who she thought she needed to be, to show people that she was enough, that she was success was actually the one thing that was having her not feel enough.


And so the point is, is this is that through our traumas, we birth our purpose. We birth our true purpose, our true, authentic purpose in calling. And we be the change that we wanna see in this world and leave our legacy. And so just like, um, Victor Frankel said, you know, he said that, that he basically barely even made his book. He actually left the Nazi camps and had his book, or I think after he had it somewhere like hidden, because it barely made it through, he didn't have anything. Right. And he, he realized that this was the one thing that bringing meaning to the world was really his thing. He said, the meaning of life is to help others find the meaning of their life. That was, that became his meaning because he knew that finding his meaning was his greatest trauma and his greatest, you know, strength.


It was, you know, he really turned, as we say, turn your mess into your message, turn your suffering into your strength, turn your pain into your purpose. He said that he said that he who has a why to live for can bear almost anyhow. He describes poignantly those prisoners in those Nazi camps who gave up on life. He had lost all hope for future and were inevitably to first to die. So they died less from lack of food and medicine than from lack of hope, lack of something to live for. And so today, you know, that book is a very famous book and I recognize that you have a book to write your life is your greatest story. Your life is your greatest book that within you, whatever traumas you've been through in this lifetime or in your lineage, that it's not in vain, it's not for nothing that you've been through.


The suffering that you've been through because you've been, there's a divine appointment that you called in for yourself to wake up and, and neutralize it and complete those cycles in your DNA to free up the highest expression of your DNA, the highest expression of your soul through form spirit through your individualized soul. And so I just say yes to you, yes. To you healing your trauma yes. To you transforming and transmuting that energy for the inspired action for that purpose, for that, that calling for that wisdom, for that takeaway for the breakthrough, for everything that came outta that awful traumatic moment that we transform it to recognize that's the greatest blessing of our life, whether you've been raped, whether you have been molested, whether you have been beaten, whether you were just bullied on the playground, whether you have had racism or discrimination or a moment of a breakup or whatever, whatever your deepest hardest trauma is, take the time to first heal other trauma and go to that place, know that if you have pain in your heart, it will hurt your body.


You will have symptoms. You have to do your inner work to transform, to break through. And knowing that there's a purpose in it. Some of the greatest leaders, I would say all of the greatest leaders, they turned their trauma into their triumph. Look at Nelson Mandela, look at all the great, all of look at Oprah Winfrey went from being, you know, a woman that was African American that was discriminated against. That was, you know, overweight. There was all these things and she handed it over to her purpose, recognizing that all of her pain and suffering was not gonna be used for nothing. She has more conviction and love and strength and leadership for the world because of her traumas because of the mental molestation, because of the rape, because of all that. And I just say, thank you for the suffering. Thank you for the trauma.


Thank you for all of that. Because without that, I would never be the woman that I am today. So on that note, if you're ready to do your, um, your trauma work and you're ready to, um, heal yourself, or maybe you're ready and want to, um, get trained in E four trauma method or in true triangle or become a certified coach with us, please reach out. You can reach out on social media. Um, it's Dr., D R E R I Um, or you can also, um, go to new thought and check us out over there. Okay. Have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth?