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May 20, 2024

Daily Spirituality | Are You a Prophet?

Daily Spirituality | Are You a Prophet?

Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show. This is a top 1% spiritual awakening and manifesting podcast to inspire and teach you how to discover your soul’s purpose and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, spiritual growth, trauma healing, metaphysical recovery secrets and New Thought Ancient Wisdom. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. We also focus on mindset, manifestation, and motivation. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method® quantum healing and manifesting, spiritual coach, international best-selling author, and the Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. Forbes nominated her as “11 of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”

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Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions, and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

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Dr. Erin Show

This Week’s Daily Spiritual Practice: 

  • Universal Law of Abundance
  • Quote: “Open your mind to your prosperous nature.”
  • Practice: Commune with Source within
  • Journal Prompt: Grab it in the FREE Manifesting Challenge Below

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Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show. This is a top 1% spiritual awakening and manifesting podcast to inspire and teach you how to discover your soul’s purpose and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, spiritual growth, trauma healing, metaphysical recovery secrets and New Thought Ancient Wisdom.

I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. We also focus on mindset, manifestation, and motivation. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method® quantum healing and manifesting, spiritual coach, international best-selling author, and the Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. Forbes nominated her as “11 of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”

Join my events, membership, or certification programs.

Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions, and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.



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Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.  

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. 

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” 

Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.

Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions,  and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


Dr. Erin (00:13)

Okay, I'm beyond excited to discuss today's topic, which is, are you a prophet? It is something that has been my consciousness for many, many years, and I wanna break on down to have you have the distinction of what is a prophet? Are you a prophet? Can you tap into your prophecy? And also talking about this week's universal law, daily spiritual practice, and bringing a journaling.


prompt for you this week so that we can get our mind right and know the truth together.


Hi there and welcome, welcome, welcome. My name is Dr. Erin. If you are new to this podcast and show, we come together to know the truth and to live on spiritual principle and to really live in alignment with universal law and live our divine lives. I'm a doctor divinity and founder of spiritual psychology school and society community. But what I really do is be a conduit for truth and help develop spiritual leaders across the globe.


helping develop spiritual psychology coaches and practitioners and E4 method facilitators and help people really awaken to the power that they are, the divine that they are. So today's topic I'm so honored to talk about. It's something really near and dear to my heart, which is prophecy. And I wanna share there's this incredible movement that I'm witnessing in traditional churches and Christian churches around the globe.


And it is the conversation and the movement of developing prophets, which, my gosh, this is so exciting because it's actually one of the reasons why I've never been able to be a part of traditional religion. Because I, no, because for majority of my life being around people that were in religions, they only believed that there could only be the son of God, Jesus Christ.


And as I love Christ and as I actually had Jesus come to me many, many years ago, about 18 years ago, I still, what he told me was that we're not to revere him, we're here to revere the truth and become and do things greater than he, as I, as he would say.


I had very specific instructions from source, from many, many masters that came to me that we are not to idolize even anyone other than our true self that I am in source. So whether that offends you, whether you are excited about that, we're here to realize that this is a very prophetic time in history where actually religion and the self help movement is going to become one.


And this is what I have known is gonna happen for a long time because we really are teaching the same things. We are just coming from different aspects of it. And just like a lot of the, I talk about the bridge a lot from people who are more dogmatic in religion, generally have to take the bridge over to realize that they have the source within them. And generally people who are more in the self help realm need to realize that there are laws and kind of.


ethics of the universe and a cause and effect that they can't just do what whenever and that there's not going to be repercussions because there is law and order to the universe. So I'm super excited to dive into the conversation of are you a prophet? Right? What is a prophet? And how can you become a prophet? Okay. So I truly believe that every single one of us has the ability to become a prophet. In fact, I know for sure that many, all of us have,


the voice within, if you will. Some it's just a tiny little whisper and people don't even hear it and others actually hear a voice. So for me, it was in 2006 when the voice first came in and it was literally a voice and I didn't know what was going on. I thought I was going crazy. However, just because somebody hears the voice of source, of God, of divine, whether it be through a prophet or whether it be direct from source or whether it be through channeling or a deity,


For me, it doesn't matter because it is guidance from the highest of highest. But even though someone has that first call or that voice that comes through does not mean that they're going to be a prophet. And the reason why I say that is because to be a prophet is somebody who preaches and teaches and basically speaks the prophecy into existence, into the world and helps heal, helps bring harmony and helps understand.


that everything is fairly solvable and understand how the truth will prevail, whether it's through politics of understand what's happening in wars or your relationship or marriage or career, that we can understand what's gonna cause success and harmony and what's gonna cause disorder. And that's why I love the universal laws so much. So we come together each week.


to know the truth, each week there is one universal law distinction that I teach. There's only one law. It's the law of cause and effect. It's the law of oneness. It's the law of how the mechanics of the universe work. And this law of this week, the distinction and lesson is the law of abundance. So let's just take a deep breath together. And coming into this divine truth of abundance. I just recognize right here that the breath is abundant, that in this divine order,


there is only life, which is ever giving and ever abundant. I recognize in this 3D, 5D, 7D multiverse, there is only abundance because there's infinite elemental equations we can create through the innovation and through the creator within. We can solve all problems. We can put metal into the sky. We can put metal across the ocean.


which is not supposed to float or fly. We are able to do that as the creator within us. We're able to solve all dis -ease and we're also able to cause infinite diseases. We're able to restore all order and we're also able to destroy so many things. I recognize the abundant nature of life, the abundant nature of the creator within each and every one of us being able to create infinitely.


And in this, I'm knowing that you have a choice, that you get to infinitely create abundance of love and harmony or abundance of scarcity and lack and fear. The choice is yours. And so this week's.


So this week's journal and action is actually to write down everything that you wish to embody, not what you wish to have, but what do you wish to embody? Do you wanna be somebody that is giving? Do you wanna be somebody that is serving? Do you wanna be somebody that communes with source? Or do you wanna be somebody that points the finger and judges? What is it that you truly desire to embody?


and then to know this and hold it in faith knowing that whatever we hold in mind has to demonstrate in form. And in this, I'm knowing this for you.


Each week we have a quote also that we live by and this week's quote is open your mind to your prosperous nature. So what I recommend always when people are struggling with say money or they're struggling in their relationship is to not try and fix it in the external world but rather come into the divine presence within the source within the presence that is the unified field that is the zero point energy and pray on it.


which means to contemplate it, which means to ask for resolve, to really be with it. And in expanding consciousness, we awaken to either recognizing that it's not even a problem at all anyway, or we begin to see how we can innovate through it, or we literally create a miracle, that that's the power of the mind when we open up to our prosperous nature, which means that we're really opening up to the prayer with You can call it scientific prayer, you can call it spiritual mind treatment.


You can call it whatever you want. The truth is that prayer is prayer. Prayer is communing and asking to be the embodiment of the solution. And the solution is always communication. And the primary communication is with you and your higher self, okay? So let's get back to the prophecy. So I have notes and notes and notes on this. I've been discovering this movement out there in the world around.


these churches around the world that are saying, hey, churches that are looking to history for all their answers might as well be museums. And they're saying, and I'm not saying this, I wanna say that I respect all religions, I respect all practices, I respect all devotion, I respect any and all expressions as long as you're not hurting someone else. However,


I find it extremely exciting to think about these, these spiritual movements that are Christian based, that are referring to the Bible, which I refer, we refer to all science and all religion, all philosophy. But the Bible, you know, is, was created by, you know, there's 800 versions of the Bible or more, I think. And there's probably about 800 people that wrote the Bible as well. So who knows what is real and not real, but there's definitely profound.


truths within the Bible. Okay. And so it's fascinating because I have always interpreted the Bible from a metaphysical standpoint. In fact, you can binge my podcast series on the metaphysics of the Bible. And I've always read it from the concept that it is our biography and that you are the prophet, that this is your story of your own awakening. And so there's a movement for


people to reclaim their prophetic nature that we're born to be prophets. Not everyone will become a prophet because it is considered a job. Meaning that we all may hear some type of a voice of God within because we're all tapped into the divine at some level. We are divine, we are the I am, okay? But some people will have a call, a call through that voice and but only a few.


will answer the call. And in answering the call to be a prophet is to speak the truth, to preach the truth, to help heal and reveal and have revelations for people through truth. So I wanted to share a little bit more about my personal story in this because I feel the same. And I also know that any good leader is not looking to become


the top of the top of the mountain, right? The best leaders in my opinion are the ones who are empowering others to become leaders. The greatest profits would actually create other profits. A great profit would not say I'm the profit and you obey me because that would not be empowering, right? So this is what we're gonna be diving into in the school this week. So if you're in one of our paid programs and you're coming in, we're gonna break on down the distinctions around.


how to listen and discern from the voice of source within versus the mind chatter versus your ego chatter versus all those things. We're gonna talk about what it's really gonna take to purify the body, the soul and the mind to be able to be a conduit for that pure channel to be the oracle and the prophet that you are, right? And what it's gonna take to purify your lifestyle.


What does it take to purify the people you hang out with? What does it take to purify your environment to be the highest, highest vessel, recognizing that we don't need to go to church. The church and the sacred temple is between the two temples within here, which is the temple that connects to the pituitary and the pineal gland and all this aspect of this brain that is one with the heart, that is one with the cosmos, that is the vessel to communicate.


and source spirit is communicating through us. So the highest of the highest of our prophecy is to profit from teaching truth. So I truly believe that you can have all the assets in the planet. You can be a multimillionaire, a billionaire, but the true profit, the real profit that we get to take with us beyond this lifetime is becoming a prophet. Yes.


You heard me right, right here. And so I have all kinds of things to talk to you guys about, about prophecy. I have been holding back at so many levels around looking at politics, war, relationships, health, and all those things, because I have been trained as a metaphysics minister to not live in the polarity of the world. However, I have had a divine calling to speak truth through all of it because,


truth once seeks truth. A good metaphor of this is when you see lightning strike, okay? When you see lightning strike, it'll come down and it can electrocute, you know, start a fire and blow up a tree, it could, you know, blow up everything, but it actually is seeking a grounding spot. So that's why, say, when you're in your car and the electricity goes...


off, it's most likely not going to hit you because the car's tires are grounded with the road, right? So there's things like this. And so truth seeks truth. So actually, prophecy is very predictable what's going to happen in the future. And we spoke about this in the school because some people have mental pictures that are very specific and come through. And prophecy is not necessarily a very specific exact thing that's going to happen. It can. It's very rare. It's like,


hitting that lightning bolt, okay? It's very, very rare odds that it's going to hit exactly. However, prophecy is a bit more generalized. For example, Nostradamus was one of the greatest, you know, prophecies of seers. And he never would say exactly what was going to happen, exactly the date, exactly, but he would say generality around the year, and because it's really an evolution of consciousness that's going to happen.


Another great prophet was Baba Vanga, who's a very famous prophet and she actually transitioned in 1995, I believe. And she said a lot of things that came true, but they say that really about 80 or 90 % of the things that she said came true. So prophets are not always specific. Prophecy is about understanding divine law.


and understanding how things are gonna out picture and what's gonna happen with people's cause and effect of what they're doing in their life. It's very predictable actually. Humans are very predictable because divine law is very specific. So we do not believe in psychic work as far as telling somebody something's gonna happen because that's called implanting. And we always believe that we all have freedom of choice.


However, there is divine law. So universal law, when you study universal law, you can understand the cause and effect and be almost be able to predict what's gonna happen within yourself and others because you can see if you're in alignment universal law or if you're not in alignment and what is the likely outcome upon those things, okay?


So my question for you is have you had the calling? If you've had the calling, if you feel that voice inside and maybe it's a whisper or maybe it's been an actual voice that have come through. In 2006, the voice came through very clearly and it was very, very clear and I've never looked back. And I believe that prophecy is not something to put in your bio statement or say you're a prophet over time.


people will begin to recognize you as a pure channel or someone that has perfect wisdom or may even call you a prophet. But the truth is that I'm not special. We all have the ability to hear the divine voice inside, whether it be through a knowingness, an actual voice, insight, whatever's there. And if you've had that voice come through, if you've had a calling, it's up to you.


whether you want to fulfill upon bringing that voice to the world through your platform, through books, through podcasts, through a spiritual center, through whatever that may be, being a coach, I recognize the truth of who you are. You are the one that we've been waiting for because we're all the one that we've been waiting for. I truly believe that the second coming of Christ is the Christ consciousness, the Buddha consciousness coming.


from within each and every one of us and being revealed collectively for these times. And we're in very prophetic times. I do know that through AI, we have a very, very specific timeline. And in 2029, we will go to where computers are as powerful as a human consciousness. And at 2024, it's predicted we'll go to singularity.


And that means that we're going to go to a next level of the matrix. So if you have not done your divine work and not understood how to move beyond the matrix, then you will be imprisoned even more in the matrix and in technology. And so it is an important time for us to claim our freedom. It is an important time to understand how to tap in more and more to be guided by the inner world instead of the external world.


And so if you're somebody that's ready to really answer that call, to awaken the prophet within, to become the spiritual leader that you're born to be, to get trained and heal your own DNA, to reveal that DNA through the epigenetic healing, to clear your soul, to purify your mind and your body and your spirit, your soul, that I invite you to come into the school and say yes, say yes, because the universe only says yes.


The law of abundance only says yes, and that is why there is only abundance. And so in this, I'm just knowing the truth for all of us that we are all prophets if we choose that call, if we choose that call. Divine source chooses that call, but that's us. That is the I am that I am. And so in this, I'm just knowing truth as together we say, and so it is. Have a beautiful blessed day, you guys, and may you live your truth.