Feb. 4, 2025


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CALL IN SHOW | SHOULD I MAKE MONEY ON ONLY FANS | DR. ERIN Dr. Erin - Doctor of Divinity: https://www.drerin.tv/ Is It Wrong to Make Money on OnlyFans? A Spiritual Perspective    In this transformative episode of The Dr. Erin Show, a caller...


Dr. Erin - Doctor of Divinity: https://www.drerin.tv/

Is It Wrong to Make Money on OnlyFans? A Spiritual Perspective   

In this transformative episode of The Dr. Erin Show, a caller seeks clarity on a deeply personal question: Is it wrong to make money on OnlyFans? After experiencing a spiritual awakening, she feels torn between her past choices and a new awareness of her divine power.  

Dr. Erin gently guides her through the process of tapping into her own inner wisdom, helping her move beyond societal conditioning and external judgment. This conversation goes beyond right or wrong—it’s about aligning with spiritual truth, self-worth, and personal empowerment.  

Join Dr. Erin as she explores:  
- How to discern whether a decision aligns with your highest self.  
- The intersection of self-worth, prosperity, and spiritual integrity.  
- Why external validation can never replace inner knowing.  
- A powerful E4 Trauma Method™ insight for breaking free from disempowerment.  

If you've ever questioned whether your financial choices align with your spiritual path, this episode will empower you to trust your own intuition and step into divine prosperity with clarity and confidence.

🔥 Watch Until the End: Learn how to listen to your inner intuition!  YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Dr. Erin Fall Haskell is a thought leader in awakening and human potential, empowering individuals to break free from subconscious trauma, reprogram their subconscious minds, and discover their soul’s purpose. As a Doctor of Divinity and master spiritual teacher, she guides people to heal and manifest a life of abundance. Through her work, she inspires deep shifts in consciousness, enabling individuals to align with their highest selves and ignite their limitless potential.

Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah
"11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs to Follow on Instagram." ~ Forbes

Dr. Erin is a TV host, founder of the Spiritual Psychology School and Soulciété community, creator of the E4 Trauma Method® for quantum healing and quantum manifesting, international best-selling author, recipient of the Walden Wisdom Award alongside Oprah, global peace award recipient, self-made millionaire, host of a top 1% spirituality podcast, and mother.

She works as a spiritual advisor to top celebrities, influencers, and producers in Hollywood. With over 1,600 interviews on Good Morning LaLa Land, she specializes in soul energetic clearing, past-life regressions, transforming trauma to birth the soul’s calling, and channeling cosmic codes for the evolution of collective consciousness.

Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying ICF & CPD Accredited Certified Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coaches and E4 Trauma Method® Facilitators.

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging the cutting-edge "New Thought Ancient and Ageless Wisdom" through Spiritual Psychology—the study of how everything is created from the Source at a soul level. 

Grab your COACH SESSION PLANNER: https://www.spiritualpsychologyschool.com/coach-session-planner 

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Spirituality, metaphysics, spiritual awakening, healing, recovery, ask, trauma healing, spiritual, soul, spiritual coach, manifestation, manifesting, inspirational, top 1% spiritual podcast, spiritual psychology, metaphysical, minister, ethereal, science of mind, universe, universal law, secret, law of attraction, doctor of divinity, master coach, female leader, Dr. Erin Fall Haskell.

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Inside of you, there is something that tells you you have an intuition, okay? And this intuition is telling you, Hey, this feels good, or this doesn't feel good. And I'm not talking about an instant gratification. Good. But rather this feels like it's an alignment with my truth. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron Show, may you live your truth. Hi there. Welcome. I'm super excited and honored to take this journey of truth with you. How are you today? And what is your question?


Hi, thank you so much for having me. I'm doing good. I've just been dealing with a little bit of a problem as I'm trying to figure out and navigate my job. So I've been doing OnlyFans for a year and a half now. I'm 22, and it's obviously changed my life in different ways and given me a lot of financial freedom. But society does look down upon it and it can be really hard to navigate what the best option is to do. And so I guess that's kind of just my question. How can I move forward and know that this is good for me and feel good about it? Because I feel like society is always going to be looking down upon it.


Sure. Okay. And I want to first just say that I am very honored to have this conversation with you and one of my spiritual practices that I train our coaches in. And the ethics is not give my viewpoint. So I want you to know that I come from a very neutral place on this of whether it's good or bad or whatever the society says. I'm going to actually just answer from a perspective of universal law. And so yeah, I just want to honor you. And I know that just coming here and asking this question, it must be a significant wait for you to come and ask this anonymously as well. And I know that if you're having this question, many people are having this question because it's an ethic, moral, and spiritual decision for somebody to decide to be on OnlyFans or not. Okay? And so I'm just going to answer this from truth. Are you ready?




Okay, cool. So the truth is that there is what's called ultimate truth and relative truth, okay? Ultimate truth is things like energy can't be destroyed. We are one. You are eternal spiritual being. These are truths. These are ultimate truths. Relative truth means what works for you in your career or your relationship world is unique for you. However, having said that, I also recognize that you are one with the collective and the cosmic. You are not just an individual. So we want to take a look at making decisions in our lives have an impact on us individually, collectively, and cosmically. Okay? So I'm going to kind of take it from a big perspective and bring it down. Okay? So inside of you there is something that tells you you have an intuition, and this intuition is telling you, Hey, this feels good, or this doesn't feel good. And I'm not talking about an instant gratification. Good, but rather this feels like it's in alignment with my truth. So when you think about OnlyFans and what you're up to, what intuitively does it feel like it is in alignment with your truth? And that's a question I'm asking.


Oh yeah. I mean, I feel like I am very happy doing it and it gives me financial freedom. And sometimes I get confused like, is this really making me happy or am I just normalizing it? You know what I mean?


Okay. So let's go a little bit further, and I am going to interject. I apologize if I cut you off, but we don't have a ton of time. So I want to go through this a little bit. We want to understand that money money's a beautiful thing. It is this exchange of energy in the flow currency of love. But if we do things for money, we have sold our soul, meaning that money should be secondary to what we truly are really desiring to exchange energy. So let me ask you this question. If money was of no object and you won the lottery, you won a hundred million dollars, would you be doing what you're


Doing? Probably not.


Okay. There's your answer, sweetheart. And what I would say is this. That doesn't mean you need to shame yourself or whatever. That means that there's a divine appointment. And this is what I always tell people when it comes to money, is you need to get into the mindset of money is no object whatsoever. And if it wasn't, what would I actually be doing? What would my heart desire for me to do? And that is the divine appointment to rise to that.


And I have chills right now because I'm holding you in my heart. I'm holding you in my heart because the world is really, we live in a sick society, meaning that we make money, we revere money as the master of our world, as the God of the world. That's the western world. And right now we're going through what is called the great awakening. And that great awakening is coming back to the truth of love. It's coming back to our unity. It's coming back to that. So what I would suggest for you right now is to not think about, okay, I'm not going to do any of this, or whatever it may be. I want you to actually, I invite you into the community as well, or whatever community you have that's a spiritually based truth that's going to hold you in the love of knowing that you are worthy.


You are worthy of living whatever divine life you are actually meant to be, that is in alignment with your heart, that is in alignment with the highest prosperous abundance life. Okay? So my invitation is for you to not think about how bad you are, what this is or that it's not life, but rather focus on what it is that you do want to create and go into that love field. Go into meditation, go into prayer, go into journaling, and ask yourself, if I won a hundred million dollars, if money was never an issue, what would I create? And begin to focus on creating that. And everything else will naturally go out of the way when you powerfully stay in right mind, because the truth is you're worthy of that. And I'm so incredibly honored that you called in today. It means so much to me and any way I can support you in that, any way I can support you in that transition any way I can.


Such a weird world in today's world, in making that transformation for your life in truly knowing the true identity, that you are worthy and capable of creating anything that you want and not handing your power over to anything for money, no longer selling your soul, but rather coming into a place of what's actually true for me. Not because the culture says it, not because whatever, but the truth is there is ethics and morals in a spiritual sense. Okay? You are worthy of deep intimacy of whatever level that works for you. You are worthy of creating abundance and money doing it in the way that you absolutely would if money was a no object. Okay? And I just simply know this for you, and I'm so honored. Okay? I'm sending you so much love. Thank you so much. Anything else you'd like to say there?


You definitely just opened my heart. Thank you so much for advice. I really, really appreciate it.


Yeah, if you want to reach out at all on social media or text me, I'm happy to support you and just be there for you. Okay?


Thank you so much, doctor.


Yeah, you're so welcome. Have a beautiful blessed day. Okay. You


Too. Thank


You. Yes. And for anyone else watching in or listening in on this podcast, we want to just say that we love you. We see you as well. You're also welcome to be on the podcast. You can come in as a anonymous or on camera. You can also grab the coach session planner below, and also sign up for the newsletter. We care about you and we want to stay connected as a spiritual communique. Have a beautiful blessed day, and we will talk to you soon. Be blessed and may you live your truth. Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. May you live your truth.




Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.  

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah. 

Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.

Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” 

Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.

Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions,  and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.