CALL IN SHOW | Are We Living In a Holographic Universe | Dr. Erin

CALL IN SHOW | Are We Living In a Holographic Universe | DR. ERIN Dr. Erin - Doctor of Divinity: In this powerful episode of The Dr. Erin Show, a caller opens up about her confusion after experiencing a spiritual...
CALL IN SHOW | Are We Living In a Holographic Universe | DR. ERIN
Dr. Erin - Doctor of Divinity:
In this powerful episode of The Dr. Erin Show, a caller opens up about her confusion after experiencing a spiritual awakening. She has always believed life was predestined—but now, she’s realizing the truth: the power to create her reality lies within her. Yet, she’s struggling to embody this newfound empowerment.
Join Dr. Erin as she channels the question: Is life predestined, or do we have free will? Discover how universal law, metaphysics, and spiritual truth come together to explain your divine power to co-create your destiny. If you’ve ever felt torn between surrendering to fate and stepping into your purpose, this episode is for you.
✨ Key Moments in This Episode:
1. The spiritual shift from victimhood to divine creator.
2. Why spiritual awakening can feel disempowering at first.
3. How to balance free will with divine alignment.
4. A powerful E4 method insight for healing disempowerment.
🔥 Watch Until the End: Learn practical steps to reprogram your subconscious mind and manifest the life you deserve! YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Dr. Erin Fall Haskell is a thought leader in awakening and human potential, empowering individuals to break free from subconscious trauma, reprogram their subconscious minds, and discover their soul’s purpose. As a Doctor of Divinity and master spiritual teacher, she guides people to heal and manifest a life of abundance. Through her work, she inspires deep shifts in consciousness, enabling individuals to align with their highest selves and ignite their limitless potential.
Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah
"11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs to Follow on Instagram." ~ Forbes
Dr. Erin is a TV host, founder of the Spiritual Psychology School and Soulciété community, creator of the E4 Trauma Method® for quantum healing and quantum manifesting, international best-selling author, recipient of the Walden Wisdom Award alongside Oprah, global peace award recipient, self-made millionaire, host of a top 1% spirituality podcast, and mother.
She works as a spiritual advisor to top celebrities, influencers, and producers in Hollywood. With over 1,600 interviews on Good Morning LaLa Land, she specializes in soul energetic clearing, past-life regressions, transforming trauma to birth the soul’s calling, and channeling cosmic codes for the evolution of collective consciousness.
Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying ICF & CPD Accredited Certified Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coaches and E4 Trauma Method® Facilitators.
Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging the cutting-edge "New Thought Ancient and Ageless Wisdom" through Spiritual Psychology—the study of how everything is created from the Source at a soul level.
🎧 - PODCAST: -
So everything is created from source that is within every cell and molecule of your body. It's in the center point of everything. And the reason why they call it as above is actually because it's a higher frequency, however it's within. Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. May you live your truth. Hi there. Welcome, welcome, welcome. I'm super excited to dive deep. Let's just take a deep breath together real quick and just knowing that the universe brought us together for to know the truth and to reveal the truth of who you are. So how are you? What's your question of the day?
My question for the day, Dr. Erin, do you believe this is a holographic universe, that we are just creating this with our mind and nothing's real, real and this, I guess we have been lied to and that we were so powerful that nobody wants us to know? I don't know if nobody wants us to know about that, but there's this new age, I don't want to say fantasy thinking, but of this way of perceiving life differently than we ever could. I don't want to say accept, but just, I dunno how to describe it. This just empowerment that has been kind of not been disseminated by culturals or even your parents. And it's something hard to talk about because it's new information that I've been listening to receiving and understanding, and I don't know how to talk to other people about it because I don't want to be perceived as crazy. I know I'm not crazy.
So everything is created from source that is within every cell and molecule of your body. It's in the center point of everything. And the reason why they call it as above is actually because it's a higher frequency, however it's within. And so it is a holographic in that it is the projecting out of consciousness into the inverted form called, it goes in, of course, to the 3D, which the part that we can see. So from a holographic perspective, if you look at a holograph, you'll see that it is a fractal and every fractal contains the whole. So yes, you could say it's a holographic universe and reality, but at the same time, is it real or not real? Well, what's real? So yes, everything is real, and you could say it's like a computer game or whatever, but the reality is that if there's one source, God source within that is projecting out as you, as me, as everything, as a holographic, what I hear you say really is in the conversation is, Hey, I don't even remember who I am.
Because the truth is this wisdom is within you. So what source is saying through me right now is really for you to seek the truth within, to maybe stop looking out to if it works or doesn't work from other people. Am I accepted or not accepted, but rather dedicate to the truth that is within thyself and you will know the entire universe. So I know who you are. I don't see you as someone who doesn't know. I see you as someone having a human experience pretending to not know. But actually that's why you actually showed up here today. You know, are an all powerful spiritual being and you're born to be the greatest version of yourself and help be the leader to bring truth to the world. So
I think I'm kind of stuck on how life works and how I have just thought my whole life that it was a predestined life. Life and there really was no way for me to change anything. That whatever happened, happened. And it wasn't me. It was outside of me. It was just a circumstantial. And as I'm perceiving information that's coming in, it's like, no, you have full control. And knowing you have full control, I think I have a hard time balancing the positive and the negative and the worry and the anxiety of like, well, if I have full control, why am I so anxious? Why are things not happening? Why am I struggling? Why am I, you know what I mean? Just go back to, oh, changing your belief systems and doing all that, and it's such a process to change your belief systems and believe that everything's going to be okay, even though you don't see it in your physical reality immediately. But it'll pop up eventually or it'll come at the right time.
Sure. So here's the truth of the universe.
The universe is the extent to which you expand your consciousness into the divine mind is the extent to which you will feel powerful. You will feel the cause of your life, the extent to which you are not tapped into that, and you're out into the external world handing your power over and identifying with the body with the circumstances is the extent to which you'll feel disempowered. So whenever we get into this place, well, I'm supposed to have power. Is it just predestined or how much is it me or not? The truth is, if you are out here in the 3D world, actually you are the effect. You are experiencing being used by, as we say, the law of the universe. You're just a ping pong ball being pushed around by the external world and you're like, I'm not all powerful. What is going on? But the truth is, if you expand the consciousness into the center point of the truth of who your consciousness is, all of a sudden you start feeling the unity and you start feeling like you are the cause of your life.
So it's natural to feel what you're feeling and be confused and feel like, wow, this doesn't make sense. Something's not adding up. Why do I feel so divided? Why do I feel so disempowered? It's just because it's actually natural. Anybody that is in the 3D realm of the effect of their consciousness, of the external senses will feel that way. That's why meditation, that's why doing your inner trauma work, that's why all of it, to get more and more and be able to build the muscle. Just like going to the gym, you're building the muscle going into that deep, powerful consciousness. The truth is you are an all knowing, all powerful spiritual being, period, having a human experience of being divided, feeling completely the effect of life, fill in whatever. And the goal is to actually master both of those. Don't resist being totally human, but know this.
It's like if I step on the gas in my car, I'm going to go forward. If I put it in reverse, I'll go back. So it's like knowing, oh, I'm in total human hood right now I'm confused. Cool. That's because I'm out here in the effect world. I'm not going to beat myself up or judge myself. I can either experience that and be like, wow, this is interesting to be human. Or I can choose to put my pedal on something else, my foot on the other side of the pedal and go within and experience my power. So there's nothing wrong with you. This is totally natural. It's part of the divine design of the holographic universe. Okay, yes.
Well, thank you so much for coming today. I know this is a divine appointment, and as we know, one question is maybe the macrocosm, the microcosm of the macrocosm. So I know that this is a seed that's implanted, and then it'll be something that is going to go, oh, I know the next inspired action. So my invitation for you is to not try and figure it all out, but rather listen to what's the next one? Inspired action of awakening. Of learning logically the truth, but also doing the next step to dive deeper into doing your inner work to have the full revelation. Okay.
Okay. Yeah, no, this has been great. Amazing. And I just love talking to other people who understand it because I feel like I'm a smart person, you know what I mean? And I'm not gullible and I do all my research before I make decisions. And understanding this divine consciousness and how life really functions is so out of this world for me and not being around people who have that mutual understanding. It makes it a little hard, but at the same time as a mom, my kids believe it. They're mom, mom, don't turn on the tv. That's so 3D, turn it off.
They totally get it.
Yeah. So that's kind of fun to see.
That's great. Well see. But you have to understand that the desire, so there's a divine desire in your heart right now, and it's like, Hey, I do want to be around people that are more in this conversation. Hey, I do want to know my divine truth of my power. Everything that we have a desire has been placed from our higher self, from source, from spirit, from God's source within whatever you want to call it. And so just follow wherever you're not in alignment and it doesn't feel good, it's because you're not living your truth. So listen, you don't have to have some massive intuition. It doesn't have to be some supernatural thing. It's like basics. Like, wow, this feels good. This doesn't feel good. Let me follow where I don't know what the answer is to not feel bad anymore over here, but I'm going to begin to seek to find where I can find some of the answers and be in a place where I feel like I am in alignment with that path. So listen to the negative emotions or guiding you to realign to your truth. Your children know we come in with this wisdom and then we actually just don't get nurtured, and then we shut down all of our natural abilities. So your children are your teachers right now guiding you back home.
They really are. They truly are. Yeah, and I love it. It feels so wonderful. It's so harmonious and joyous to have this relationship with them where we believe in magic, we believe in things that we don't see and we wish for things, and they show up and it's normal. It's not not normal,
Absolutely. Let's do a quick affirmative mind treatment, taking a deep breath in. You can put your hands together or not. Just connecting the right and left hemisphere of the brain and the heart with the head just coming into this unity right here, right now. I recognize the perfection, the absolute perfection of feeling so human, yet knowing the divinity. I recognize right here, this amazing woman who has come here today. She seeks more and therefore there is so much more for her. And I'm just knowing this profound awakening, her empowerment empowered her children and her stepping into the truth of who she is. And I say thank you, thank you, thank you. As we release, as together we say. And so it is super excited for you, sweetheart. Thank you so much for coming today. Have a beautiful, thank you.
Okay, you too. Thank you. Bye.
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Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.
Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah.
Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.
Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”
Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.
Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions, and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.