#1 ABUNDANCE MINDSET SHIFT | DR. ERIN Dr. Erin - Doctor of Divinity: https://www.drerin.tv/ Grab your COACH SESSION PLANNER below In this transformative episode of The Dr. Erin Show, a caller seeks guidance on a powerful question: How can I stay in an...
Dr. Erin - Doctor of Divinity: https://www.drerin.tv/
In this transformative episode of The Dr. Erin Show, a caller seeks guidance on a powerful question: How can I stay in an abundance mindset and not fall into fear? As she navigates challenges in her life, she finds herself pulled between faith in universal prosperity and the fear of financial insecurity.
Dr. Erin gently guides her through shifting from scarcity to abundance, releasing subconscious fears, and fully trusting in divine provision. This conversation goes beyond just money—it’s about becoming an abundant channel, energetic alignment, self-love, and embodying prosperity consciousness.
If you’ve ever struggled with financial fear or questioned how to stay in a high vibrational frequency of abundance, this episode will assist you in the #1 Abundance Mindset Shift.
✨ Key Moments in This Episode:
1. The spiritual shift from wanting to get something from the Universe to becoming a channel to give everything to the world.
2. How to create a strategic plan, life's manual, and a daily spiritual practice to stay in abundance mindset.
3. How trauma has to be healed to clear the subconscious blocks through E4 Trauma Method® - Current life trauma, past-life trauma, and future manifesting.
🔥 Watch Until the End - Learn how to master abundance consciousness and stop letting fear control your financial reality! YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Dr. Erin Fall Haskell is a thought leader in awakening and human potential, empowering individuals to break free from subconscious trauma, reprogram their subconscious minds, and discover their soul’s purpose. As a Doctor of Divinity and master spiritual teacher, she guides people to heal and manifest a life of abundance. Through her work, she inspires deep shifts in consciousness, enabling individuals to align with their highest selves and ignite their limitless potential.
Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah
"11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs to Follow on Instagram." ~ Forbes
Dr. Erin is a TV host, founder of the Spiritual Psychology School and Soulciété community, creator of the E4 Trauma Method® for quantum healing and quantum manifesting, international best-selling author, recipient of the Walden Wisdom Award alongside Oprah, global peace award recipient, self-made millionaire, host of a top 1% spirituality podcast, and mother.
She works as a spiritual advisor to top celebrities, influencers, and producers in Hollywood. With over 1,600 interviews on Good Morning LaLa Land, she specializes in soul energetic clearing, past-life regressions, transforming trauma to birth the soul’s calling, and channeling cosmic codes for the evolution of collective consciousness.
Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying ICF & CPD Accredited Certified Spiritual Psychology Practitioner Coaches and E4 Trauma Method® Facilitators.
Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging the cutting-edge "New Thought Ancient and Ageless Wisdom" through Spiritual Psychology—the study of how everything is created from the Source at a soul level.
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Spirituality, metaphysics, spiritual awakening, healing, recovery, ask, trauma healing, spiritual, soul, spiritual coach, manifestation, manifesting, inspirational, top 1% spiritual podcast, spiritual psychology, metaphysical, minister, ethereal, science of mind, universe, universal law, secret, law of attraction, doctor of divinity, master coach, female leader, Dr. Erin Fall Haskell.
Speaker 1 (00:00):
So the biggest shift for you is the perspective of what abundance is. Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. May you live your truth. Hi there. Super excited to connect today. Where you in from and what your question?
Speaker 2 (00:19):
Hi Erin, my name's Simone. Oops. I am from Australia. And my question is really around how to overcome fear when it comes to being able to hold the space for creating abundance and money in the world.
Speaker 1 (00:39):
Man, that's a big question. I think that it's something that so many people are dealing with. Money's always such a big conversation for people, and I first want to acknowledge you for being courageous enough to follow your dreams and overcome such a fear ridden world that we're living in right now. So this is a very important question. A question I get asked a lot, especially it's like maybe you don't have full abundance yet. How do I keep that in consciousness knowing that whatever we hold in frequency is going to be created? So number one is of course I'm a big thing. Have you done much of your trauma work at all?
Speaker 2 (01:16):
Yes, I have. I know there's still a bit of work to go there. I've got some stuff from my childhood that comes up from time to time that isn't fully resolved yet, I think.
Speaker 1 (01:28):
Okay. Yeah, because most people will try and just kind of stay positive, just kind of pushing down the fear and it just doesn't work. The reality is that the universe is connected with your subconscious, which is one with the super subconscious. So no matter how much we try and use our brain to try and stay positive or pretend like we're not in fear and live in D Lulu, if they'd say it just doesn't work. Because what's actually out picturing in our lives is what's happening at a so cellular energetic level, as you probably already know. So of course, always doing your trauma work is imperative. It's going to start getting some of that neutralized at a subconscious level. But in the interim, as you're doing those things and how you can tell when you're never fully done with your trauma work connected collectively, but how you can know that you really have done a lot of work is when you can look at your past without any upset or feeling you were the victim of something, feeling like it wasn't working for your highest evolution. So that's the one thing doing that trauma work. But I'll give you a few hacks for today to help you kind of get in the right mindset. First of all, what's your spiritual practice?
Speaker 2 (02:42):
I meditate often. I connect, I'm in nature. I feel like I've, I've got guides as well. I was raised a Catholic, but I wouldn't call myself religious. I really just try and connect to my intuition a lot and I feel like I'm guided a lot of the time.
Speaker 1 (03:06):
So I think it's an important thing to recognize. There's good fear, right? There's fear that helps us realize when we're not, like for example, say I go on social media and say I start getting a bunch of fear going on in me. That's my soul, my spirit going through my soul, if you will, telling me that this is fearful, this is causing me harm. So people will be like, oh, lemme just get over the fear. But actually if we listen to the fear, it's guiding us. So where and when do you get fearful?
Speaker 2 (03:39):
I get fearful sometimes when I feel like I'm not fully stepping into the work that I should be doing in the world and it draws me back to what I'm really great at, but what doesn't light me up anymore. So it's about me kind of breaking through that to really step into what I feel I'm here to do.
Speaker 1 (04:03):
Okay, great. I love that. Okay, I'm going to give you homework right now. Okay. This is perfect. What we do, one of the things we do along with trauma, along through g aggressions is we do what's called the life's manual. And this is life-changing for you, taking responsibility around your emotions, including fear. Okay? So what I want you to do is I want you to make three lists. One list is what's considered your bottom line, where you really are fearful. What are all the things that get you there? Well, let's see, if I don't meditate, I don't do prayer, I don't get in nature, I start swirling around in my mind of evaluation, whatever that is, that gets you to your worst case fear level. The next is kind of the bottom line. What do I need to do to make sure that staying out of fear and I'm creating abundance in my life?
Speaker 1 (04:50):
What are those things? Maybe it's that, hey, I take action every day. I run my business, I do my trauma work. I'm consistent with getting my work done. I also make sure that I'm, anything that needs has to happen for a bottom line for you to not stay in fear and stay towards abundance. And then the third is ideal scene. What's ideal scene? Where do you begin to get so out of the fear zone that you're in flow mode, right? So for me, for example, a high would be of course doing my spiritual practice. If I don't do my spiritual practice, then I'm living in, I'm actively choosing to live in those bottom line areas instead. So doing that for sure, sometimes I'll pray every hour on the hour in the day if something's going on or something. I don't know. Back in the day I used have to pray all the time, meditate all the time, stop and do breath work and get back and flow state and get there.
Speaker 1 (05:45):
So I want you to do this as a homework to go, okay, who am I and what am I doing to be in my best self, my ideal scene? Who am I to be in my par for not living in fear and being in abundance mode? And who am I in my worst case scenario? And then it's kind of like you have to go through the day and make sure that you're staying in alignment with those things. So what would you say is one thing that you can do that would be in the flow state in your ideal sea for you to stay in that abundance mindset?
Speaker 2 (06:17):
Well, I start every morning watching the sunrise and then going for a walk in nature. And that makes me feel amazing. I find during the day I get sucked into Instagram, and that's probably what takes me out of the spike.
Speaker 1 (06:35):
Bing, bing, bing, right? So it's like, okay, maybe I'm going to delete my app. I'm only going to go on there for one hour a day or whatever and I can install my app again or take it off. How serious are you? How bad do you want the success? Because the leaders that I know that are really successful, they have massive discipline, but not even discipline because discipline is hard to sustain. They have systems. So instead of going, oh, I'm starting to get stressed out when I get on Instagram now I should delete it. No, I just instantly delete it at 9:00 AM after I've gone in there and done whatever, and then I have a system that I go back on the next day in the evening, I allow myself a half an hour to go back on there. So it's systems that help people get sustained in there because look, the reality is there's no pill for anybody. Even if you do all your trauma work and have revelation, it's a daily spiritual practice. Even for masters, we have to have systems in place to keep our mind, I'll spiral into fear or not in right mind if I don't do systems and also have my spiritual practice as well. Okay, so this is your homework. I want you to do those three things and then from a miraculous, a miracle perspective, okay? Do you pray at all?
Speaker 2 (07:51):
I talk to God, I don't know whether I'd call it praying, but I ask for things. And also my parents have passed and I ask them stuff too.
Speaker 1 (08:06):
So there's a big, big thing you just said that I think is a big distinction. First of all, prayer. You don't have to pray to a man in the sky, right? Prayer is about expanding consciousness. And so I think it's very misunderstood, but there's something you said there that's really important. You said, I pray to get things. Okay, so this is the big shift. You can do all those homework things I just told you, and that's very human, all that stuff, which is good. We want to do things from a human perspective. And we also want to do things from a miraculous quantum leap perspective. And this is what I just heard you say, and this is the biggest shift for abundance in someone's life.
Speaker 1 (08:46):
We don't get abundance from the world, as you probably already know, we only get abundance through our innovation and through God's source, within, we're like a channel that brings abundance to the world and then it reflects back. But we don't get it ever from the external world. We receive it from the source within, and the only way we actually get it is to give it away. So the big shift from going from fear, and this is the issue with so many people, is they're consuming stuff from the world. They're getting fear, they're being the effect of everything of the world. They're training their whole system to be the effect of the world. And we're designed to be sovereign beings, which means we don't get anything from the world, we only look to source within. And when we start to look to source within for our abundance not to get anything, but to get something to give to the world, then we give value, and then we receive value, we solve problems, and then we begin to have more prosperity. So the biggest shift for you is the perspective of what abundance is.
Speaker 2 (09:59):
Yeah. That's a really, really great insight. Thank you.
Speaker 1 (10:03):
You're so welcome. So let's just do a prayer because as we say, the answer to prayer is in the prayer. So let's pretend that we're praying for abundance, and let's not even pretend, let's just do this, right? So if we are praying for abundance, one of three things happens in prayer. One, either the concept that there's not abundance goes away, it disappears. The problem itself goes away because we've expanded consciousness. Or two, we awaken an innovation and we have inspired action to give that abundance and receive the abundance, right? Or three, we actually create a miracle. We could come at a prayer and we could have a $50,000 check that just arrived on the doorstep. These are the three things of how the prayer is answered in the prayer. So my suggestion for you is anytime you're in fear and you're like, I want to live in abundance, don't try and figure it out from the logical mind because the mind that created the problem is the same problem that is going to get you more problems.
Speaker 1 (11:09):
You want to get in, and prayer is about expanding and becoming, not getting, but becoming that which we desire. Okay? So let's just take a deep breath together, putting the hands together because we're connecting the right and left hemisphere of the brain, connecting the heart with the head coming into the truth. The truth is the universe is only abundant that there's infinite, infinite mathematical equations of elements that we can put together for innovation upon innovation. I recognize also the power of mind that we create miracles because miracles are simply glitches in the current limited belief system. I recognize right now, right here that everything that this divine woman is desiring is in her consciousness, deep, deep, deep within the truth of who she is. That infinite all knowing, omnipotent presence that lives at the cell and molecule of every aspect of her beingness. And so I recognize and I say thank you fear, thank you for the concept of scarcity because that is, which is demanding, is demanding the growth and the evolution of the consciousness to expand to the divine mind for this amazing, incredible goddess that she is.
Speaker 1 (12:22):
And so I'm knowing absolute abundance, prosperity, and truth. It is done. My word is law. It's known in the divine mind, it is done. And as I know this, in the name of truth, I release as together we say. And so it is. And so it is. Okay. So I dunno what you need to do to write down or get in mind that you cannot receive anything from the external world. That is not what we're here. That's the lie. Okay? And when we shift back into that, we don't ask for anything. We ask to just be a vessel for the highest good for the world. And in that you'll receive whatever you are ready to receive. Releasing the attachment. We can't take anything with us. This is all transient out here. Meanwhile, also doing the three levels of your life's manual, what are your bottom line things you do? What are the things par and what is the ideal scene? For me, ideal scene is I get in prayer every time I'm knowing the truth and communing and I'm releasing all need for anything from the external world. So how does that feel for you?
Speaker 2 (13:28):
Oh, that was amazing. I literally had energy just run through my pee. It was shaking, which is like what happens sometimes when I meditate. So it was a real deep connection for me. Thank you so much. Great.
Speaker 1 (13:42):
You're so welcome. I want you to know how much I care about you, and this question's very important for so many, so you help so many today. Okay, thank you, sweetheart. Okay, and then for everyone else just tuning in, just want to say thank you for tuning in. You're welcome to be a guest on the podcast as well. And you can also grab your coach session planner below. Have a beautiful blessed day and may you live your truth.
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Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Learn the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.
Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah.
Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.
Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”
Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity.
Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions, and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.